Neuro Topics - Choroid plexus
May 25, 2023
Boston Children's Hospital Answers article on new research from from the teams of Maria Lehtinen, Mark Andermann, Hanno Steen, and clinician colleagues at Boston Children’s Hospital and Mass General Hospital, co-first authors Cameron Sadegh and Huixin Xu, suggesting that gene therapy targeting the brain’s choroid plexus could help prevent or ameliorate hydrocephalus in premature newborns with brain bleeds.
Original article in: Neuron >
October 14, 2022
Boston Children's Hospital Answers article on new research from Maria Lehtninen, Naama Kanarek, and colleagues, first author Ahram Jang, on the feasibility of targeting the cerebrospinal fluid and choroid plexus to treat "chemo-brain"-- a side effect of chemotherapy that makes it harder to remember things, maintain attention, and learn new information.
Original article in: Neuron >
May 17, 2021
Neil Dani & Maria Lehtinen share new research done with Rebecca Herbst, Naomi Habib & Aviv Regev at the Broad Institute. Using single cell & nucleus sequencing, coupled with tissue-level mapping, they have generated the first cellular and spatial atlas of the choroid plexus blood-CSF barrier. This addresses a historical blind spot by characterizing the core cell types, subtypes, their spatial organization and diversity across brain regions of the developing, adult, and aging mouse brain.
Original article in: Cell >
November 30, 2020
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI community.
Original article in: Cell >
November 12, 2020
Jin Cui, Frederick Shipley, Neil Dani, Mark Andermann, and Maria Lehtinen share new research from the Andermann and Lehtinen labs revealing the secretory and calcium dynamics of ChP epithelial cells, which are responsible for secreting CSF and its principal components, as well as movements and functions of macrophages, which represent the largest class of immune cells residing in the ChP.
Original article in: Cell >
November 3, 2020
Sarah Roehrich, a speech-language pathologist who works in Lowell, MA, shares an article she’s written for the Wise Brain Bulletin. Spanning basic science, education and clinical research, Roehrich’s article describes how experiences influence brain development from infancy through early childhood. Her piece highlights the plasticity research of Takao Hensch and others, and discusses outreach activities led by Hensch’s NIMH Silvio Conte Center for Mental Health.
Original article in: Cell >
November 2, 2020
Harvard Health Publishing article discussing recent findings by the AARP on the impact of music on cognitive and emotional well-being.
Original article in: Cell >
September 24, 2018
Missteps during brain development can later lead to the onset of neurologic conditions including brain cancers. Paper highlight by Ryann Fame, Morgan Shannon, Maria Lehtinen.
Original article in: American Journal of Pathology >