Community Stories

April 24, 2024
A hallmark of anorexia nervosa is the willful seeking and maintenance of a starvation state, potentially as a means to cope with stressful life experiences or trauma. Hakan Kucukdereli and Mark Andermann share their research on how they designed a virtual reality paradigm to study this phenomenon in mice.
Original article in: Neuron >
April 15, 2024
Deep brain stimulation is a powerful therapeutic approach for severe brain circuit dysfunctions that can effectively alleviate the heterogeneous symptoms characteristic of Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, Tourette’s syndrome, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Barbara Hollunder (Lab of Andreas Horn) explains what invasive brain stimulation can teach us about the circuit architecture of the brain’s dysfunction — and which commonalities it shares with a prism.
Original article in: Nature Neuroscience >
March 22, 2024
The mind can wander and uncouple from the present experience of the body, but how does it snap back into the present? Jordan Farrell shares new research that points towards a brain circuit phenomenon that may explain this shift.
Original article in: Nature >
March 8, 2024
Thyroid signaling plays a central role in metabolism. Ralph Lawton and Daniel Hochbaum of the Sabatini Lab share new research revealing it may regulate human behavior and other important components of health as well.
Original article in: PNAS >

In the News

July 18, 2024
In a first, neuroscientists have created a microscopic “brain thesaurus” that reflects how the meaning of words is represented. Using a novel technology to record the activity from single neurons in the human brain, the team was also able to predict the meaning of words heard in real-time speech. From Ziv Williams and Colleagues, co-first authors Mohsen Jamali and Benjamin Grannan.
Original article in: Nature >
July 18, 2024
New research suggests intensive diet and lifestyle changes may not only forestall cognitive decline related to Alzheimer’s disease but possibly bring some improvement to those in early stages. From Steven Arnold, Rudolph Tanzi, and colleagues. Read more at the Harvard Gazette.
July 18, 2024
New research finds that the tendency of people’s arousal to wane over the course of brain scans has been distorting the brain connection maps produced by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The team developed a new technique called RIPTiDe that can filter out these distortions enhancing the validity and reliability of fMRI findings. From Amy C. Janes and Blaise B. Frederick, first author Cole Korponay.
Original article in: Nature Human Behavior >

Awards & Honors

July 3, 2024
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI community.
June 11, 2024
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI community.

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Spiral ganglion neuron density. Image courtesy of Isle Bastille (Lab of Lisa Goodrich, Harvard Medical School).