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Affinity Groups

Featuring Nick Spencer (Flinders University)
Cannon Room
240 Longwood Ave
Building C
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by: Becky Andersen (Walsh Lab, BCH/HMS) and Yi-Chia Huang (Goodrich Lab, HMS)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Talk by Rachel Hostetler (Allen Institute).
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Join us for a holiday cookie decorating social! We will have an arrangement of sugar cookies, including brain themed ones, and a cornucopia of decorating options, as well as other holiday treats.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Natalia Machado (BIDMC) and Luis Costa (Machado Lab, BIDMC)
Tosteson Medical Education Center (TMEC), Room 250
260 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Talks by Atharva Sahasrabudhe (Anikeeva lab, MIT) and Gui Ramos (Breault lab, BCH)
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Sattar Khoshkhoo, MD (BWH) and Heer Joisher (Cepko lab, HMS)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Rebecca Shansky (Northeastern) and Lindsay Vincelette (Shansky lab, Northeastern).
Waterhouse Room
Gordon Hall
1st Floor
25 Shattuck St
Boston MA 02115
Talks by Cecília Gallottini de Magalhães (Gladyshev lab, BWH) and Elijah Lowenstein (Lowell lab, BIDMC)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Kyla Nichols (Koppes Lab, Northeastern University) and Eunice To (He lab, Boston Children’s Hospital)
Cannon Room
240 Longwood Ave
Building C
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Yangyang Zhu (CBDM Lab, Harvard) and Anoohya Muppirala (Rao Lab, Boston Children's Hospital)
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Clifford Saper (HMS/BIDMC) and Oscar D. Ramirez Plascencia (BIDMC)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
featuring members of the Fishell, Greenberg and Walsh labs
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Angela Kim (Lowell Lab, BIDMC) and John Manion (Dong Lab, BCH)
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Learn about research in neural development across Harvard at an NDC data blitz!
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Join us for a networking event for old members to meet new people and to kick off our programming for the year!
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Shriya Srinivasan and Lillian Rose
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Zach McKenzie (Orefice lab, MGH) and Alex Banks (BIDMC).
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring a keynote lecture by Zhigang He, trainee talks and Q+A, lunch, and a happy hour.
Goldenson 122
220 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring: Rachel Essner (Andermann Lab) and Yu-Ting Cheng (Woolf Lab)
Cannon Room
240 Longwood Ave
Building C
Boston MA 02115
featuring Valentina Lagomarsino (Rao Lab) and Chen Ran (Liberles Lab)
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Rebecka Sepela, PhD (Lab of Nick Bellono, Harvard) and Hailong Zhang, PhD (Lab of Matthew Waldor, Brigham and Women's Hospital)
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Veselina Petrova (Postdoc, Woolf Lab, Boston Children’s Hospital) and Priya Veeraraghavan (Graduate Student, Macklis Lab, Harvard Stem Cell Institute)
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Rachel Wolfson (Ginty lab, HMS) and Subhash Kulkarni (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) 
Virtual Event
featuring Thomas P. Mathers (Allievex) and William R. Renthal (BWH/HMS)
Cannon Room
240 Longwood Ave
Building C
Boston MA 02115
featuring: Till Roenneberg (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring: Afroditi Petsakou (Perrimon lab) and Javiera Oyarzun (Phelps Lab)
Virtual Event
Featuring Joseph Burns (Decibel Therapeutics) and Gwenaelle Geleoc (Harvard Medical School/Boston Children's Hospital)
Waterhouse Room
Gordon Hall
1st Floor
25 Shattuck St
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Kelly Buchanan (Mass. General Hospital) and Rhian Stavely (Mass. General Hospital)
Virtual Event
Challenges and Opportunities in the Discovery of Therapeutics for Demyelinating Disorders
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring: Daping Yang (Lab of Isaac Chiu, Harvard Medical School) and Marito Hayashi (Lab of Stephen Liberles, Harvard Medical School).
Virtual Event
Join fellow researchers from the Harvard Neuro Community for an evening of socializing and pottery making!
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Sravya Kurapati (Bogunovic Lab, Univ. of Mass Medical School) and Patric Valli, PhD (Bellono Lab, Harvard University).
Virtual Event
Featuring warm apple cider and fall-themed snacks, this is a chance to meet and talk about all of the wonderful talks we've seen so far, techniques you're trying to develop and how cool and complex neuroregulation of GI tract is. All are welcome!
HMS Quad
Featuring Pearl Huang (Cygnal Therapeutics) and Michelle Monje (Stanford).
Virtual Event
Chronobiology of Movement Disorders - Aleksandar Videnovic, MD (MGH/HMS)
Virtual Event
Featuring Mike Do (BCH/HMS): Neural Coding for Circadian Photoregulation in Mice and Macaques
Virtual Event
Data talk by: Jon Andersen (Lab of Pascal Kaeser, HMS): A new phase in synaptic biology: phase separation as a mechanism of presynaptic assembly and function
Virtual Event
Featuring: Bob Datta (HMS), Chris Mason (Biotia/Weill Cornell Medicine), and Niamh O'Hara (Biotia). Moderated by David Brann (Datta Lab, HMS)
Virtual Event
Featuring: Sally John (Biogen) and Kasper Lage (MGH/HMS). Moderated by Aurora Zhang (lab of Paola Arlotta, Harvard). Registration required.
Virtual Event
Ryann Fame will lead a data talk on: Developmental control of cerebral fluid distribution and CSF [K+] by choroid plexus NKCC1
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Busola Olukoya will discuss her PQE aims: Radial Bundle Formation in the Developing Mouse Cochlea
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Ethan Glantz (lab of Mike Crickmore) and Ryu Amo (lab of Nao Uchida)
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Featuring Michael Prerau, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Goldenson 122
220 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Hao Wu (lab of Venkatesh Murthy) and Soohong Min (lab of Stephen Liberles)
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Featuring Till Roenneberg (Ludwig-Maximilian University) and Richa Saxena (Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by: Ni Ji (Lab of Steven Flavell, MIT) and Johannes Bill (Labs of Jan Drugowitsch and Sam Gershman, HMS and Harvard)
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
David Mazumder will lead a journal club on Muessig et al.'s 2019 paper Coordinated Emergence of Hippocampal Replay and Theta Sequences during Postnatal Development
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Featuring: Taihong Wu (Zhang Lab) and Stephen Zhang (Andermann Lab).
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Featuring talks by Haleh Fotowat (lab of Florian Engert) and Bryan Song (Lab of Dragana Rogulja)
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Come learn more about the Neural Development Club and meet with other folks interested in neurodevelopment.
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Shadab Rahman, PhD, MPH (Lab of Elizabeth Klerman, MD, PhD, Brigham and Women's Hospital) | Electric lighting: friend or foe to human sleep?
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Nick Jourjine (lab of Hopi Hoekstra) and Hannah Twarkowski (lab of Amar Sahay)
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Featuring Vlad Susoy (lab of Aravi Samuel) and Sarah Hersman (lab of Todd Anthony)
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Featuring Olivia Ho-Shing (Lab of Catherine Dulac) and Rockwell Anyoha (Lab of Bob Datta).
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Chris Reid will lead a journal club on Kelly et al. and Huang, 2018: "Radial Glial Lineage Progression and Differential Intermediate Progenitor Amplification Underlie Striatal Compartments and Circuit Organization"
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Staci Bilbo (HMS; Lurie Center for Autism) and Rita Balice-Gordon (Sanofi)
TMEC 246, Walter Amphitheater
260 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by: HyungGoo Kim (Uchida Lab) and Stephen Thornquist (Crickmore Lab).
Dual Campus Event
WAB236; 200 Longwood Ave, Boston
NW243; 52 Oxford St, Cambridge
Busola Olukoya will present a journal club on Shimada et al., 2017
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Please note that this event has been cancelled. We hope to reschedule when possible.
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring talks by Liz Shtrahman (lab of Venkatesh Murthy) and Nao Horio (lab of Stephen Liberles)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Featuring Beth Stevens (BCH/HHMI) and Richard Ransohoff (Third Rock Ventures)
TMEC 246, Walter Amphitheater
260 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
The Future of Neurophysiology? Large-scale measures of neuronal activity, featuring Adam Cohen and John Sherwood
16 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge MA 02138
Richard Smith, PhD (Lab of Christopher Walsh, Boston Children's Hospital); Role for sodium channels in the developing brain
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
Anne Takesian, PhD (Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary) Inhibitory Circuit Gating of Auditory Cortical Plasticity. 
Armenise Building, Room 108
210 Longwood Avenue
Boston MA 02115
This ongoing dual-campus dinner program unites researchers working in different systems to explore general principles of behavioral regulation. Each meeting includes two presentations, one from Cambridge, one from Longwood.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
This dynamic forum gathers academic and industry scientists together to discuss best practices, protocols and challenges with new technologies to generate improved predictive models of neurological disease.
16 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge MA 02138
Please join us in Warren Alpert 236 for the next Chronobiology and the Brain Affinity Group Meeting sponsored by the Harvard Brain Science Initiative.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Please join us in Warren Alpert 236 for the next Chronobiology and the Brain Affinity Group Meeting sponsored by the Harvard Brain Science Initiative.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Kevin Eggan, Robin Kleiman, Laurence Daheron
16 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge MA 02138
"To keep or not to keep: Mechanisms and molecules of activity-dependent synaptic refinement"
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
This program is one of a series of discussions presented by the Cellular Modeling of Neurological Disease Discussion Group of HBI. The event is free and open to the public.
16 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge MA 02138
This ongoing dual-campus dinner program unites researchers working in different systems to explore general principles of behavioral regulation.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
This group was formed in Spring 2017 to cultivate a community of scientists working on questions related to the development of the nervous system.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
New mechanistic insight into the regulation of transcription by Ras/MAPK signaling in development and disease.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Members of the Boston area academic and research community interested in cellular modeling of neurological disease join in this series of discussions.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Boston area academic and research community interested in cellular modeling of neurological disease join in an ongoing series of discussions.
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Todd Anthony (HMS, BCH) and William Todd (Saper Lab, BIDMC)
Warren Alpert 236
200 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
Phillipp Kellmeyer, Leigh Hochberg
Armenise Amphitheater
210 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115