Neuro Topics - Sleep
August 6, 2024
Tianyi Huang and colleagues (first author Sina Kianersi), analyzed the sleep patterns of study participants over seven nights and then followed them for more than seven years. The researchers found those with the most irregular sleep patterns had a 34 percent higher chance of developing diabetes.
Original article in: Diabetes Care >
August 6, 2024
Joe Kossowsky and colleagues (first author Danielle A Wallace) found that participants who spent more time in bright light had more regular sleep, and that more regular sleep was associated with lower depression symptoms and lower odds of mild or severe depression
Original article in: JAMA Network Open >
December 7, 2023
Researchers have identified at least one potential link that locks sleep deprivation and chronic pain in an endless loop. Featured in the Harvard Gazette. From Shiqian Shen and colleagues, co-first authors Weihua Ding and Liuyue Yang.
Original article in: Nature Communications >
September 27, 2023
Harvard Gazette article on new research from Tianyi Huang and colleagues, first author Sina Kianersi, finding that people with later sleep and wake times had less-healthy lifestyles and were at greater risk of developing diabetes than those with early bird habits.
Original article in: Annals of Internal Medicine >
December 8, 2022
Harvard Gazette article spotlighting a new course taught by Erin Hecht investigating canine behavior and what it can tell us about ours.
Original article in: Annals of Internal Medicine >
December 8, 2022
Harvard Gazette article on new research from Elizabeth A. Kensinger and colleagues, first author Tony Cunningham, validating the impact major political events can have on sleep and how it affects the public’s collective mood, well-being, and alcohol consumption.
Original article in: Sleep Health >
November 28, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Michael Prerau and colleagues, extracting tens of thousands of electrical events from the brain waves of a sleeping person, creating a picture of brain unique for each person and consistent from one night to the next in order to better identify potential biomarkers in the brain activity of people with schizophrenia and other brain conditions.
Original article in: Sleep >
October 14, 2022
Harvard Gazette article on new research from Judith Owens and colleagues, first author Rebecca Robbins, surveying parents and caregivers and finding that more than two-thirds of those surveyed believed in the top three most salient myths about sleep.
Original article in: Sleep Health >
June 30, 2022
Harvard Gazette article on new research from Sydney Cash, Leigh R. Hochberg, and colleagues, first author Daniel B. Rubin, may help explain how humans form memories and learn, and could eventually aid the development of assistive tools for people affected by neurologic disease or injury.
Original article in: Journal of Neuroscience >
June 15, 2022
Harvard Gazette article on new research from Charles Czeisler and colleagues, first author Jeanne F Duffy, showing that administering a 5 mg dose of melatonin increased total sleep time compared to a placebo in a small group of healthy adults aged 55 and older.
Original article in: The Journal of Pineal Research >
June 15, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Laura Barger and colleagues, first author Matthew Weaver, using national surveys of residents before and after a 16 hour shift limit on new medical residents was enacted in 2011, find that reported medical errors and adverse events dropped by more than a third, and medical errors resulting in patient death declined by almost two-thirds.
Original article in: BMJ Quality & Safety >
May 24, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Christopher J. Hartnick and colleagues, first author Phoebe K. Yu, demonstrating that a surgically implanted device that moves the tongue forward during sleep can safely and effectively reduce sleep apnea in adolescents with Down syndrome.
Original article in: JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery >
May 24, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Christopher J. Hartnick and colleagues, first author Phoebe K. Yu, demonstrating that a surgically implanted device that moves the tongue forward during sleep can safely and effectively reduce sleep apnea in adolescents with Down syndrome.
Original article in: Nature Communications >
February 26, 2021
Harvard Gazette article on new research from the teams of Charles Czeisler and colleagues, first author Rebecca Robbins, on the connection between sleep deficiency and risk of dementia.
Original article in: Aging >
February 26, 2021
MCB News article highlighting recent radio show and podcast interviews featuring HBI co-director Venkatesh Murthy, discussing the neuroscience of olfaction.
Original article in: Aging >
February 26, 2021
Harvard Gazette article on new research from the MGH Center for Genomic Medicine, from the team of Marta Garaulet, Richa Saxena and colleagues, co-first authors Hassan S. Dashti and Iyas Daghla, demonstrating that how often a person takes daytime naps, if at all, is partly regulated by their genes.
Original article in: Nature Communications >
October 6, 2020
HMS News article on new research showing that a machine learning-based sleep test may help diagnose and predict dementia in older adults. From M. Brandon Westover, Alice Lam, and colleagues, first author Elissa Ye. Also featured in the Harvard Gazette.
Original article in: JAMA Network Open >
July 10, 2020
Alexandra Vaccaro and Yosef Kaplan Dor describe new research from the labs of Dragana Rogulja and Mike Greenberg identifying the gut as a major site of impact when sleep is severely suppressed.
Original article in: eLife >
June 29, 2020
New research from the lab of Michael Greenberg, co-first authors Sinisa Hrvatin and Senmiao Sun, discovering the neurons that control hibernation-like behaviors in mice.
Original article in: Nature >
June 23, 2020
BCH Discoveries article on new research from the labs of Jeffrey Holt, David Liu, & colleagues at the Broad and MIT (co-first authors Wei-Hsi Yeh & Olga Shubina-Oleinik). They used a new genetic engineering technique to restore hearing in deaf mice.
Original article in: Nature >
June 18, 2020
Harvard Medicine Magazine article sharing the perspectives of Xavier du Maine and four other HMS students on how the 2020 pandemic has affected their lives and research.
Original article in: Nature >
September 26, 2019
Elizabeth earned her PhD from the Program in Neuroscience this summer and is now off to the University of Michigan, to start a postdoc in the lab of Bing Ye.
Original article in: Nature >
September 26, 2019
This honor is given to the student conducting “the most original and significant research in Drosophila neurobiology during the previous two years”.
Original article in: Nature >
September 16, 2019
HMS News article on new research from the lab of Elsie Taveras and colleagues suggesting that irregular sleep schedules increase obesity and cardiometabolic risk.
Original article in: JAMA Pediatrics >
March 20, 2019
MGH research finds chemical pathway from lack of shut-eye to atherosclerosis.
Original article in: Nature >
March 14, 2019
Jeffrey Holt and Nicte Mejia among four honored with Scholars in Medicine Excellence in Mentoring Award at the 79th annual Soma Weiss day.
Original article in: Nature >
January 29, 2019
Harvard Gazette article highlighting a large international genetic study from the teams of Michael Weedon (University of Exeter), Richa Saxena (MGH), and colleagues (co-lead authors Samuel Jones and Jacqueline Lane), shedding new light on the body clock and its links to mental health.
Original article in: Nature Communications >
October 31, 2018
A documentary film from the Tianqiao & Chrissy Chen Institute featuring interview with HBI co-director Mike Greenberg, has won three Cannes Corporate Media and TV Awards
Original article in: Nature Communications >
October 23, 2018
HMS News article on new research from the lab of Susan Dymecki and colleagues, suggesting that certain serotonin neurons contribute to a fail-safe necessary for recovery from interrupted breathing in newborn mice
Original article in: eLife >
October 18, 2018
Xiaowei Zhuang was awarded this prize “for discovering hidden structures in cells by developing super-resolution imaging – a method that transcends the fundamental spatial resolution limit of light microscopy.”
Original article in: eLife >
October 16, 2018
Considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.
Original article in: eLife >
October 3, 2018
The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center at Boston Children’s Hospital celebrated its fiftieth anniversary on October 30th.
Original article in: eLife >
September 27, 2018
Congratulations to Paola Arlotta who was named chair of Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology.
Original article in: eLife >