Neuro Topics - Dementia
October 11, 2024
New research from Molly P. Jarman and colleagues, first author Alexander J. Ordoobad, finds that dementia is more frequently diagnosed within one year of a fall compared to other types of injuries.
Original article in: JAMA Network Open >
August 29, 2024
New research from Sharon G Curhan and colleagues (first author Tian-Shin Yeh) has found that an episode of shingles is associated with about a 20 percent higher long-term risk of subjective cognitive decline, one of the earliest noticeable symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Original article in: Alzheimer's Research and Therapy >
July 18, 2024
New research suggests intensive diet and lifestyle changes may not only forestall cognitive decline related to Alzheimer’s disease but possibly bring some improvement to those in early stages.
From Steven Arnold, Rudolph Tanzi, and colleagues. Read more at the Harvard Gazette.
Original article in: Alzheimer's Research & Therapy >
December 7, 2023
By focusing on a list of 12 steps covering modifiable behaviors, adults can greatly reduce their risk of developing brain diseases such as dementia and stroke, according to a new study featured in the Harvard Gazette. From the team of Thomas Littlejohns and colleagues, first author Sanjula D. Singh.
Original article in: Frontiers in Neurology >
April 20, 2023
Harvard Gazette article on new research from Marc G. Weisskopf and colleagues, first author Elissa H. Wilker, finding consistent evidence associating fine particulate air pollutants and cognitive decline.
Original article in: BMJ >
January 25, 2023
HMS News article on new research from Tamara Fong, Sharon Inouye, and colleagues, finding that the modified and extended version of the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP-ME), a well-established and highly successful delirium prevention program, is both feasible and acceptable to hospital staff and patients.
Original article in: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society >
December 8, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Sharon K. Inouye, and colleagues, co-first authors Tammy Hshieh and Ray Yun Gou, analyzing one-year health care costs for older hospitalized patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. They found costs were higher for those who had delirium than for those who did not.
Original article in: Alzheimer's & Dementia >
November 28, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Wade Harper, Tobias Walther, Robert Farese Jr, and colleagues, co-first authors Sebastian Boland, Sharan Swarup, shedding light on the basic biology of frontotemporal dementia caused by a particular genetic mutation.
Original article in: Nature Communications >
September 29, 2022
Brigham and Women's Hospital research brief on new research from Tamar Sofer and colleagues, first author Einat Granot-Hershkovitz, finding in diverse study populations that blood metabolites related to sugars were associated with older adults’ global cognitive health.
Original article in: Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. >
September 20, 2022
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI Community
Original article in: Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. >
July 29, 2021
Harvard Gazette article on new research from Filip Swirski, Rudolph Tanzi, and colleagues, first author Cameron McAlpine, suggesting that Interleukin-3 from astrocytes may reprogram immune responses in the brain that cause cell death and lead to dementia.
Original article in: Nature >
April 14, 2021
Meher Juttukonda and David Salat share new research on how brain perfusion changes over the lifespan using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from the Human Connectome Aging Project. These findings could be important for understanding markers of healthy aging and vascular underpinnings of age-related lesions that are frequently observed in dementia.
Original article in: Neuroimage >
April 8, 2021
Closer to Truth interview with Robert Stickgold where he discusses his new book and his newest findings on sleep and dreams.
Original article in: Neuroimage >
April 8, 2021
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI community.
Original article in: Neuroimage >
February 26, 2021
Harvard Gazette article on new research from the teams of Charles Czeisler and colleagues, first author Rebecca Robbins, on the connection between sleep deficiency and risk of dementia.
Original article in: Aging >
November 30, 2020
BCH Discoveries article on new research from the labs of Judith Steen and Hanno Steen, co-first authors Hendrik Wesseling and Waltraud Mair. They find that the Tau protein looks very different at different stages of Alzheimer's disease, undergoing a series of chemical changes over time. This discovery suggests that multiple Alzheimer's drugs may be needed, to target different disease stages.
Original article in: Cell >
October 6, 2020
HMS News article on new research showing that a machine learning-based sleep test may help diagnose and predict dementia in older adults. From M. Brandon Westover, Alice Lam, and colleagues, first author Elissa Ye. Also featured in the Harvard Gazette.
Original article in: JAMA Network Open >
October 16, 2019
New research from the labs of Bruce Yanker and colleagues, co-first authors Joseph Zullo and Derek Drake, shows that neural activity emerges as a factor in longevity.
Original article in: Nature >
April 9, 2019
Scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have successfully cleared patient-derived brain cells of an abnormal protein associated with dementia and other neurogenerative disorders.
Original article in: eLife >
August 23, 2018
HMS News article on a recent study from the labs of Junying Yuan, Bruce Yankner and colleagues identifying the molecular link between aging and neurodegeneration.
Original article in: Cell >