Awards and Honors from September 2020

Albert M. Galaburda, Karina Noemi Gonzalez Herrara, Caroline Palavicino-Maggio, Ivan J. Santiago, and Carlos Manlio Diaz Garcia named to Cell Mentor’s 100 inspiring Hispanic/Latinx scientists in America list.

Wade Harper, Clemens Scherzer, Xianjun Dong, Mel Feany, Joshua Levin, Vikram Khurana, and colleagues win Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s Initiative grants from the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.

Mark Andermann with Viviana Gradinaru (California Institute of Technology) are among six pairs of researchers who were named to the 2020 class of Innovation Fund investigators by the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Paulo Lizano, HMS instructor in psychiatry at Beth Israel Deaconess, was one of five winners of the inaugural One Mind Bipolar Research Awards for advancement in the understanding and treatment of bipolar disorder.

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