Kristan Herrera
Engert Lab
The emergence of helplessness in larval zebrafish
Alex Vaccaro
Rogulja Lab
Why is sleep essential?
This ongoing dual-campus dinner program unites researchers working in different systems to explore general principles of behavioral regulation. Each meeting includes two presentations, one from Cambridge, one from Longwood. Meetings are held and dinner served simultaneously at both Cambridge (NWB243) and Longwood (WAB236) campuses, with interactive video links. Attendance at the seminars is open to other neuroscience labs at Harvard and other area universities.
Presenting Labs Sixteen labs participate as “presenting members”: Andermann (BIDMC), Crickmore (BCH), Datta (HMS), Dulac (FAS), Engert (FAS), Flavell (MIT), Hoekstra (FAS), Liberles (HMS), Murthy (FAS), Rogulja (HMS), Sabatini (HMS), Sahay (FAS), Samuel (FAS), Uchida (FAS), Zhang (FAS).