Neuro Topics - Thalamus
February 23, 2024
New research from Joseph Giacino and colleagues may upend the widely held view of traumatic brain injury as a permanently debilitating condition. The findings indicate that electrical stimulation can reawaken quiescent brain circuitry, leading to functional improvements that have the potential to restore work and social activities to patients’ lives. 
Original article in: Nature Medicine >
January 13, 2023
Retinal axons convey parallel streams of visual features from the eye to the rest of the brain. A new study from the Andermann and Chen labs looks at how serotonin can filter this visual information at the level of retinal axons.
Original article in: Neuron >
May 24, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Christopher J. Hartnick and colleagues, first author Phoebe K. Yu, demonstrating that a surgically implanted device that moves the tongue forward during sleep can safely and effectively reduce sleep apnea in adolescents with Down syndrome.
Original article in: Nature Communications >