Neuro Topics - Glia
November 2, 2020
Harvard Gazette article on new findings from MGH researchers, showing how genetic mutations that promote the growth of the most common type of adult brain tumors can be accurately detected and monitored in blood samples using an enhanced form of liquid biopsy. First author Koushik Muralidharan, co-senior authors Leonora Balaj and Bob S. Carter.
Original article in: Clinical Cancer Research >
October 5, 2020
Nicole Scott-Hewitt shares new research from the labs of Beth Stevens and colleagues, providing mechanistic insight into how microglia mediate developmental synapse pruning.
Original article in: EMBO >
April 8, 2020
MCB News article on new research from the labs of Venkatesh Murthy and Beth Stevens, first author Jenelle Wallace, suggesting that microglial regulation of adult-born neuron development could contribute to ongoing plasticity in the olfactory system.
Original article in: eLife >
March 4, 2020
HMS News article on new work from the lab of Max Heiman, first authors Elizabeth Cebul and Ian McLachlan, revealing a new molecular mechanism for sensory neuron dendrite growth by retrograde extension.
Original article in: Development >
February 6, 2020
The McGovern Institute announced that HBI co-director Joshua Sanes has been selected for the 2020 Edward M. Scolnick Prize in Neuroscience, in recognition of his pioneering research into the way synapses are built.
Original article in: Development >
February 3, 2020
Michela Fagiolini (Associate Professor of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital) was selected for a researcher profile video, highlighting her work on Rett Syndrome and an adaptive swim program developed for girls with this condition.
Original article in: Development >
February 3, 2020
This prize honors original essays written by Harvard graduate students about their research. (Click here to read the essay, “To Change the Brain”).
Original article in: Development >
February 1, 2020
This award, given by the International Society of Stem Cell Research, recognizes the exceptional achievements of an investigator in the early part of his or her independent career in stem cell research.
Original article in: Development >
July 23, 2019
Regardless of what genetic mutation causes glioblastoma, it can readily shift among four distinct cell types, each of which may need to be targeted separately.
Original article in: Development >
January 23, 2019
HMS News article on new research from the lab of Francisco Quintana (BWH) on the role of environmental exposures in neurologic disease.
Original article in: Cell >