Neuro Topics - Bipolar Disorder
March 27, 2024
Topiramate — an antiseizure medication prescribed to treat epilepsy as well as migraines and bipolar disorder — does not appear to increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among children exposed to it prenatally, according to a new study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Original article in: New England Journal of Medicine >
May 4, 2022
HMS News article on new research from Benjamin Neale and colleagues at the Broad Institute, first author Duncan Palmer, revealing new insight into the condition’s molecular underpinnings.
Original article in: Nature Genetics >
March 10, 2021
Xiaopeng Song from the lab of Fei Du at McLean Hospital shares new human brain imaging work revealing that an impairment in energy production may underlie the problems in functional neural connectivity observed in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Original article in: Molecular Psychiatry >
March 9, 2021
Harvard Gazette article on a recent Facebook Live event "The Coronavirus Pandemic: Grieving and Mental Health". This article highlights the work of Christy Denckla, a postdoc at the Broad Institute and Harvard T.H. Chan School, whose research focuses on resilience following exposure to trauma.
Original article in: Molecular Psychiatry >
March 9, 2021
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI community.
Original article in: Molecular Psychiatry >
July 3, 2019
McLean's Deborah Levy and colleagues provide a proof-of-principle demonstration of symptom relief by targeting a specific genotype and links an individual structural mutation to the pathophysiology of psychosis and treatment response.
Original article in: Biological Psychiatry >