Brain researchers at Harvard perform research and teach at a wide range of departments, centers, schools, hospitals, university-wide initiatives and graduate programs at the university, including:


Harvard College
Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Harvard Medical School
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Sciences


Cell Biology
Systems Biology
Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology
Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Computer Science


Center for Brain Science
F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center


Harvard Brain Science Initiative
Mind Brain Behavior Initiative
Harvard Stem Cell Institute
Wyss Institute


Program in Neuroscience (PIN)
Molecules, Cells and Organisms (MCO)


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston Children’s Hospital
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Joslin Diabetes Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
McLean Hospital

HOME / PEOPLE / Our labs

Neuroscience Labs at Harvard

Harvard’s diverse neuroscience community — hundreds of basic researchers and physician-scientists, are engaged in the process of discovery across campuses and disciplines in Cambridge and the Greater Boston Area. Three major nodes are the Department of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, the Center for Brain Science (CBS) at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge and the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Research Center at Boston Children’s Hospital. Principal investigators from all three of these communities, complemented by other specialists across Harvard constitute the faculty of the Harvard PhD Program in Neuroscience (PIN) — whose students conduct research in labs spread all across the University and affiliated hospitals, including Boston Children’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, Mass Eye and Ear, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, McLean Hospital and others.

To learn more, search our laboratory directory by principal investigator name below and view our faculty photo album. Also check out our Connectome directory to view profiles of current students, fellows, and staff, as well as faculty and alumni.

Banner Image:
Cross-section of the mouse nasal epithelium. Image courtesy of David Brann (Lab of Bob Datta, Harvard Medical School).

MANY BRANCHES:  see more

photo of iman aganj
My research area includes development of computational tools for brain connectivity quantification and analysis, medical image registration and segmentation, diffusion MR image reconstruction and analysis....
photo of jyrki ahveninen
The Auditory Cognition lab seeks to pursue a better understanding of human brain function in the auditory system. Our primary focuses are auditory working memory, attention, and higher-order cognition....
We investigate the olfactory, or smell-sensing, system of mice and humans since it is vulnerable early pathologic events of neurodegeneration. ...
Dr. Alt’s lab is interested in understanding both how healthy genomic rearrangements occur and what goes wrong when there is genomic instability....
photo of amit anand
Our research uses advanced imaging methods to identify brain abnormalities in individuals with bipolar disorder and major depression, as well as investigating genetic and epigenetic biomarkers of these illnesses....
Mark Andermann Headshot
The Anderman lab studies how the needs of the body determine which sensory cues are attended to, learned, and remembered....
The Anderson lab studies epilepsy and autism in mice, using molecular genetic techniques to design mouse models that bear human disease mutations or copy number variations....
photo of ovidiu andronesi
My research interests are focused on the development of advanced MR imaging methods and their translation into clinical practice for precision-personalized medicine and discovery science...
mandana arbab
The Arbab lab studies how genetic mutations result in neurological disease and develops gene-based therapeutics to treat them....
Paola Arlotta in her lab
Focusing on the mammalian cerebral cortex, we are interested in understanding, mechanistically, how neuronal diversity is established, integrated, and subsequently maintained for the lifespan of the organism....
Our lab uses a combination of electrophysiological, behavioral, optical and computational approaches to study neuronal mechanisms involved in the initiation of voluntary movement....
The Ba lab is broadly interested in questions at the intersection of theory, computing and data, that have diverse applications that range from computational neuroscience, multimedia signal processing and network science....
The Bacskai lab seeks to determine exactly how beta-amyloid interferes with cell function in the brain, using multiphoton imaging approaches to visualize the plaques in brains of living mice....
Justin Baker
The Baker team is focused on changes in brain network architecture that accompany psychosis and other symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder....
photo of bruce bean
Different neurons in the brain fire action potentials with a variety of distinct patterns. The Bean lab seeks to understand these different patterns of firing in terms of the underlying molecular devices....
Courtney Beard
The CARE lab conducts research to identify cognitive and affective mechanisms underlying emotional disorders, translate these findings into new treatments, and implement these treatments in real world settings....
Nick Bellono Headshot
Our lab is interested in how organisms adapt to their ecological or behavioral niche....
photo of bruno benitez
The Benitez lab primarily focuses on using high-throughput technologies to deeply analyze biospecimens from patients with neurodegenerative diseases....
photo of rachel bennett
The goal of the Bennett lab is to determine how Alzheimer's disease pathology causes neuron loss and then translate this knowledge into preventative strategies....
The Benowitz lab seeks to discover basic mechanisms that control the growth of nerve connections and apply insights from this work to promote regeneration and functional recovery after CNS injury....
photo of elika bergelson
The key question underlying our lab’s work is how infants learn language from the world around them. More broadly, we are interested in early word learning, and how this interacts with other facets of linguistic, cognitive, and social development....
Sabina Berretta
The Berretta lab is investigating the role of extracellular matrix abnormalities in the brain in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder using translational approaches....
Dr. Berry's team designs, leads, and conducts multicenter studies and trials aimed at identifying new therapeutic targets, discovering novel ALS biomarkers and testing potential new therapeutics in people....
The Bolshakov lab focuses on cellular and molecular mechanisms of learned and innate behaviors using a combination of electrophysiological, cell biological, and optogenetic techniques....
The Born lab studies the visual cortex of alert monkeys trained to report specific aspects of their visual experience. ...
photo of xandra breakefield
Our laboratory focuses on understanding genetic mechanisms underlying diseases of the nervous system and developing therapies and biomarkers for these diseases...
Emery Brown
The Emery lab develops statistical methods and signal-processing algorithms for neuroscience data analysis....
The Buckner lab explores the organization and function of large-scale human brain networks that contribute to high-level cognition....
Katherine Burdick
We investigate the relatively understudied symptom domain of neurocognitive impairment (e.g. attention, memory problems) in patients with psychotic and mood disorders....
Rami Burstein
The Burstein lab is currently particularly focused on migraines and has made significant progress in understanding how migraines alter the nervous system....
Dr. Butovsky’s lab is interested in the biology of microglia and the interplay between peripheral innate immunity in brain development, homeostasis, aging and neurodegenerative conditions....
Photo of Joan Camprodon
His research uses multimodal combinations of neuroimaging and brain stimulation to investigate neural circuitry and plasticity in a translational manner....
The Carlezon lab is a group of neuroscientists primarily interested in how experience affects behavior and the biology of the brain....
Michael Carroll
Our lab has a longstanding interest in the diverse biological functions of the classical complement cascade in immunity and autoimmune disease....
photo of sydney cash
The Cash lab is probing how the brain works, both under both normal and pathological conditions, with an ultimate goal of developing techniques for diagnosing and treating some of the most devastating diseases...
Constance Cepko
The Cepko lab uses the vertebrate retina as a tractable model for the rest of the central nervous system....
Chinfei Chen
The Chen lab seeks to understand the mechanisms that underlie synaptic plasticity in the young and mature mammalian central nervous system....
photo of xi chen
I am a neuroimaging biophysicist who specializes in the technical development and application of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy for the central nervous system....
The major goals of the Chen laboratory is to develop new treatments for hearing loss....
Sundari Chetty
The Chetty lab is interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia....
Jasmeer Chhatwal
My laboratory uses a broad array of complimentary tools – ranging from biochemical models to neuroimaging to novel wearable devices - to better understand Alzheimer’s disease biology and identify targets for novel therapies....
The Chiocca lab is deeply interested both in the biological basis of brain cancer and in designing experimental therapeutics....
Isaac Chiu
The Chiu lab is focused on the neuroimmune mechanisms underlying pain, host defense and neurodegeneration....
joanna christodoulou standing in her office
Dr. Christodoulou leads the Brain, Education, and Mind (BEAM) Lab, conducting research on the brain and behavior links underlying reading development, difficulty, and intervention....
We are developing sophisticated optical systems to image brain activity in cultured neurons and in vivo, and software to interpret the torrents of data that result. ...
Bruce Cohen
The Program for Neuropsychiatric Research (PNPR) is a consortium of investigators and clinicians using laboratory, brain imaging, and clinical techniques to increase understanding of the causes of the most common and devastating brain disorders....
The Cohen lab focuses on molecular studies of receptors for GABA, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, and acetylcholine, an excitatory neurotransmitter in many brain regions and at nerve-muscle contacts. ...
The Commons lab uses imaging and neuroanatomical techniques to provide new insight into how serotonin neurons work. These are combined with behavioral pharmacology, genetic tools and other complimentary approaches....
David Corey
The Corey lab is interested in how we hear and how the receptor cells of the inner ear convert the vibration of sound into a neural signal....
Mike Crickmore in his lab
The Crickmore lab uses mating drive in male fruit flies to study how motivations are produced by the brain....
I design human clinical trials to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of therapies that have shown promise in preclinical studies....
Chares Czeisler
The Czeisler lab is focused on understanding the neurobiology of the SCN, and its interaction with the sleep homeostat, and on applying that knowledge to clinical medicine and occupational health....
Nikolaos Daskalakis
The Neurogenomics and Translational Bioinformatics Laboratory (NG-TBL) conducts research focused on the connection between stress and brain functions....
bob datta in his lab
The main goal of the Datta lab is to reveal how the brain composes natural behaviors that are endowed with purpose....
Benjamin de Bivort
Individual animals with identical genomes, reared identically, nevertheless exhibit behavioral differences. ...
Josefina Del Marmol
Our lab aims to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the molecular logic of odor detection and discrimination, from the structural features that determine odor specificity to the evolutionary forces that shape olfactory-driven behavior....
We ask how light drives functions that are as diverse as visual perception, sleep regulation, hormonal control, and setting of the internal body clock....
Photo of Ryan Doan
The overarching goal of our laboratory is to systematically assess the underlying genetic mechanisms among neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. ...
The Dong lab seeks to understand the molecular & cellular basis for BoNT actions, to improve & expand the therapeutic application of these toxins, & to broaden our understanding of the fundamental cellular processes targeted by these bacterial toxins...
photo of darin dougherty
The Division of Neurotherapeutics encompasses all surgical and/or device-related treatments for psychiatric illness....
Jan Drugowitsch
Every decision and behavior is haunted by uncertainty, introduced by the noisy and ambiguous nature of the world that surrounds us. Despite this, we make such decisions with seeming ease....
photo of fei du
The Du lab uses MRI/MRS and translational neuroimaging in order to outline the trajectories of biological abnormalities, and to identify biomarkers of disease progression and treatment response for neuropsychiatric disorders....
Catherine Dulac in her office
Our group is using molecular, genetic and electrophysiological techniques to explore the molecular and neuronal basis of innate social behaviors in the mouse....
Susan Dymecki
The Dymecki lab studies how functional modularity arises within the brain serotonergic neuronal system and dynamically controls diverse processes ranging from respiration and thermal balance to emotional mood state to coping behaviors....
We are interested in deciphering the evolutionary history of life by comparative analysis of genome sequences. Our research currently focuses on the development of computational methods for RNA, protein, and DNA sequence analysis....
photo of carolyn elya
Our group uses an interdisciplinary experimental approach in the zombie fruit fly system to study the mechanistic bases of “zombie” behaviors from the level of molecules to neural circuits....
The Engert laboratory is working on a scientific strategy focused on building a complete, multi-level picture of simple neural circuits....
Elif Engin
The Engin lab seeks to improve our understanding of the genetic, brain circuit-level, & behavioral disruptions observed in stress-related disorders with the ultimate goal of assisting in the identification of novel prevention & treatment strategies....
We study aberrant cranial motor neuron development by identifying human congenital disorders of eye and face movement, defining their genetic etiologies, and uncovering their molecular pathways and disease mechanisms....
Michela Fagiolini
Our work focuses in understanding how the brain develops and adapts to the external environment in health and disorders....
saranna fanning
For many years, Parkinson’s disease has been approached as a problem of abnormal protein. The Fanning lab approaches the disease as a problem of both abnormal protein and abnormal lipids....
photo of jordan farrell
We seek to understand the mechanisms by which heterogenous cell types orchestrate synchronous network patterns for brain computations as fundamental as memory, which may be key to understanding the origins of pathological hypersynchrony in epilepsy....
In our laboratory we have created fruit fly models of several human diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and spinocerebellar ataxia type 1....
My lab is dedicated to uncovering the mechanisms behind neural damage caused by neurodegenerative diseases like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and Alzheimer’s disease....
photo of brielle ferguson
The Ferguson lab will work to identify and characterize biomarkers of successful and dysfunctional cognitive function....
The Finley lab focuses mainly on the proteasome and on a set of proteins that work hand on hand with the proteasome....
Gordon Fishell
The Fishell laboratory is focused on understanding the enormous morphological diversity of inhibitory interneurons....
John Flanagan
Our broad interest is to understand how cell-cell signaling molecules regulate the development and regeneration of neuronal connections....
Michael Fox
Dr. Fox's research focuses on the development of new and improved treatments for brain disease based on understanding brain networks and the effects of brain stimulation....
Nadine Gaab
Our research program illuminates the neurobiological origins and developmental trajectories of language and reading skills including difficulties through innovative longitudinal neuroimaging studies that follow children from birth to adolescence....
Albert Galaburda in his office
Dr. Galaburda’s research explores the brain underpinnings of language and language based learning disabilities....
aleena garner
The goal of research in the Garner lab is to understand how the brain takes what it has already learned to implement expectations that alter our interpretation of what we see and hear. ...
Our lab is broadly interested in the mechanisms of signaling and transport across cellular membranes that are enabled by these membrane proteins....
I am interested in the developmental acquisition and maturation of sensory transduction in hair cells. I am using this information to identify molecular correlates that underlie hair cell mechanosensation....
Sam Gershman in the Northwest Building Lobby
Our research aims to address the mystery of how our brains acquire richly structured knowledge about our environments, and how this knowledge helps us learn to predict and control reward....
photo of david ginty
Our research explores the properties and functions of somatosensory neurons and the functional organization of the subcortical somatosensory circuitry and the neural encoding of touch and pain....
photo of robert gonzalez
My primary area of research focuses on understanding the relationships between biological rhythm disturbances and BD...
Lisa Goodrich in her lab
To learn how different types of neural networks acquire their unique properties, the Goodrich lab employs mouse genetics, timelapse imaging, and single cell sequencing together with sensitive anatomical and physiological approaches. ...
The Greenberg lab studies precisely how, at a molecular level, neuronal activity controls gene expression and connectivity in the brain....
Joshua Greene
The Greene lab studies the mechanics of moral thinking, and high-level cognition more generally, using behavioral experiments and functional neuroimaging....
The mission of our lab is to dissect fundamental mechanisms of cellular homeostasis with a focus on membrane proteins which account for a third of the human proteome and mediate functions essential for the survival of all organisms....
The goal of our research is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying BBB function and neurovascular coupling. Achieving our goals could have a big impact on therapeutics and change how neurological diseases are treated....
Photo of James Gusella
My laboratory is focused on understanding nervous system disease using molecular genetic strategies, beginning with human patients and proceeding through in vitro & modeling studies....
We are interested in developing and applying new technologies in the fields of mass spectrometry and proteomics....
Our research focuses on identifying how cell biological processes are disrupted in Parkinson's disease and aging....
We study the biochemistry and cell biology of these pathways in order to understand how cargo is marked with ubiquitin and how such ubiquitylated cargo is recognized. ...
Jakob Hartmann
The Hartmann Lab is dedicated to exploring the molecular, cellular, and neurocircuit-specific changes that shape an individual’s trajectory towards susceptibility or resilience to stress-related mental disorders....
Chris Harvey
What are our brains doing as we make decisions? How do we navigate complex spatial environments? For instance, how do we use cues from our environment to make correct decisions on how to navigate through a city toward our destination?...
Xi He
My laboratory seeks to understand the molecular basis of cell-to-cell communication, and how this communication regulates embryonic and neural development in vertebrates....
photo of zhigang he
Restoring lost function after spinal cord injury or other types of CNS injuries is one of the major challenges of contemporary neuroscience...
photo of erin hecht
Our research asks how brains change in response to selection pressure on behavior, and how brains acquire heritable adaptations for complex, learned behaviors...
Maxwell Heiman
The question I am asking is, "How do cells get the right shapes and make the right attachments to build organs?"...
photo takao hensch
The Hensch lab examines how early life experience shapes brain function, by examining the cellular and molecular factors controlling ‘critical periods’ or ‘sensitive periods’ in brain development. ...
Hopi Hoekstra
The Hoekstra lab capitalizes on natural variation in behavior to study the genetic and circuit-based changes that give rise to ecologically-important differences in innate behavior....
Jeffrey Holt
We have an active research group focused on the function, dysfunction and restoration of the auditory system....
andreas horn
Our laboratory is interested in connectivity and causality in the brain, the human connectome and its structure-function relationship. As a clinical case of connectomics, we study effects of deep brain stimulation on aberrant circuitries that lead to...
jun huh headshot
Ongoing work in the lab focuses on a particular class of immune cells called Th17 cells to determine if these cells and the signals they produce drive the observed inflammation-induced abnormal behavioral phenotypes....
Bradley Hyman
Our lab studies the anatomical and molecular basis of dementia in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies....
We use longitudinal multisite and multi-sector study (including industry and government partners) of biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma to better understand the molecular mechanisms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder....
This lab and institute focuses on the neurobiological mechanisms of neuronal regeneration, protection or degeneration with particular emphasis on neurodegenerative disorders....
photo of meher juttukonda
Our lab specializes in the use of noninvasive magnetic resonance (MRI) approaches for characterizing hemodynamic and metabolic function in the human brain....
Pascal Kaeser
Neurons predominantly communicate through fast neurotransmission at synapses. Synaptic and neuronal activity levels are tightly controlled, and adjusted to changes in demand....
Joshua Kaplan
Work in the Kaplan lab is focused on understanding how signals in the brain lead to particular patterns of behavior. ...
Rakesh Karmacharya
We use experimental approaches at the intersection of chemical biology, genetics and stem cell biology to investigate cellular pathways relevant to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism and related neuropsychiatric disorders....
Raymond Kelleher
The Kelleher laboratory studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cognition and cognitive disorders....
Vikram Khurana
The Khurana lab focuses in particular on Parkinson’s disease, multiple system atrophy, ataxias and related disorders....
photo of kwang-soo kim
Dr. Kim’s lab studies the biology of brain cells that rely on the brain chemical dopamine to communicate. Major brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), ADHD, and schizophrenia are related to abnormalities affecting these cells....
My lab is dedicated to one elusive systemic problem on the cellular level and that is the control of cell size, which implies a poorly understood correlation with the rate of growth with the rate of division....
Dr. Klein is fascinated by the question of how stem cells choose between alternative fates in developing and adult tissues....
Torsten Klengel
The goal of our group is to contribute to a better understanding of psychiatric diseases and thus better interventions. ...
The Knowles lab seeks to identify and validate blood-based biomarkers for psychiatric disorders....
karl koehler
Our laboratory is focused on understanding the formation and early functional development of complex sensory systems within the human body. ...
Over the last 30 years, Isaac Kohane’s research agenda has been driven by the vision of what biomedical researchers could do to find new cures, provide new diagnoses and deliver the best care available if data could be converted more rapidly to knowl...
Dong kong
The long-term interest of my research is to bridge molecular, cellular, and system approaches to understand the neuronal modulation and circuitry involved in the pathogenesis of neurological and metabolic diseases....
Our broad aim is to characterize representational spaces of the mind and how they are mapped onto the surface of the brain. We focus primarily on high-level visual representation: how do we organize our knowledge of objects, actions, and scenes? ...
petros koumoutsakos
Our lab develops imaging software and computational methods for the analysis of videos and time series. ...
Ed Kravitz
Aggression is a universal feature of the behavior of social animals. In the wild, it is used for access to food and shelter, for protection from predation and for selection of mates, all of which are essential for survival....
The Kreiman laboratory focuses on elucidating the neural circuits and computational mechanisms underlying visual intelligence. ...
Signal transduction across cell membranes plays a central role in human physiology and disease, and nowhere is this more important than in the central nervous system. ...
photo of subhash kulkarni
The Kulkarni lab works on understanding how the enteric nervous system develops after birth, maintains in adulthood, and changes with age....
Samuel Kunes
The development and functional experience of a nervous system are keys to understanding an animal’s future behavior....
Louis Kunkel
The muscular dystrophies are progressive disorders of striated muscle leading to breakdown of muscle integrity....
Clotilde Lagier-Tourenne’s laboratory investigates the molecular mechanisms driving neurodegeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Huntington’s disease....
Ongoing work in the LaVoie lab is directed towards understanding how PARKIN maintains healthy mitochondria in brain cells using stem cell derived human neurons....
Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz
The Brain Bioethics Lab studies developments in neuroscience and genomics. Specifically, we examine what are the ethical, legal, and social implications of these developments to our everyday lives, medicine, public health, civil liberties, employment...
Huntington’s disease is caused by a dominantly inherited expanded CAG trinucleotide repeat in the huntingtin gene that is both necessary and sufficient to cause clinical manifestation....
The Lee lab studies how computations and behavior arise from neuronal circuits. We seek to understand organizational principles underlying information processing across species....
Maria Lehtinen in her lab
The Lehtinen lab is interested in understanding how brain development and health are regulated....
Dan Levy
The Levy lab seeks to understand the mechanisms underlying the origin of headaches, in particular that of migraine....
The Liao lab focuses on understanding the structure and function of protein-DNA/RNA complexes and membrane proteins....
Sensory receptors define our capacity for perception, and we identified novel olfactory receptor families (TAARs, FPRs), opening up new avenues of research to probe the neuronal basis of perception and behavior....
photo of Jeff Lichtman
The Lichtman lab develops and applies advanced imaging approaches to map neural connections and understand their development, so that we may be better poised to address these big mysteries of brain science....
Einat Liebenthal
We study the neural circuits and mechanisms mediating speech and language perception in the human brain, language learning, and the interaction of language and emotion perception. ...
alexander lin
Our current studies include traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, psychiatric disorders, metabolic and immune disorders, chronic pain, diabetes, and continued expansion to additional clinical applications....
Dr. Lin’s Laboratory of Psychiatric Neurogenomics explores the influence of genes on brain function and how they contribute to environment-conditioned etiology of neurological or psychiatric disorders. ...
Jonathan Lipton
The Lipton lab seeks to understand the fundamental relationships between the circadian clock and diseases of the developing brain....
Portrai of Jia Liu
Jia Liu's group at Harvard is working to develop advanced nanoelectronic, cyborg engineering, genetic and genomic engineering, imaging and computational tools and platforms for digitizing the dynamics of biological systems....
Margaret Livingstone
We study how visual recognition occurs in the primate brain, using a combination of brain imaging and electrophysiology....
portrait of Paulo Lizano
My research focuses on utilizing retinal imaging, neuroimaging, blood-based biomarker technology, and neuromodulation to better characterize and offer potential interventions in serious mental illness, specifically idiopathic psychotic disorders. ...
Eng Lo
The Lo Lab is focused on experimental and translational research in stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegeneration....
The Loeken lab is studying the molecular and biochemical causes of neural tube defects (NTDs) in order to identify potential novel interventions....
photo of marco loggia
Our lab’s main research questions focus on the brain mechanisms of pain in humans. ...
How does the brain control hunger, and how does this instinctual motivational drive compel us to eat?...
The primary interest in our lab is to elucidate the regulation of protein structure after phosphorylation in health and disease....
My lab is trying to understand how the cell achieves accurate control of protein degradation and how its failure may lead to neurodegeneration and aging....
photo of natalia machado
Our research focuses on the intricate mechanisms that govern physiological and behavioral responses to various stressors....
Our lab studies the mammalian cerebral cortex– its fundamental molecular development controlled by genes and molecules; ...
Evan Macosko
Characterizing how specific cell populations differ in disease-relevant contexts offers an opportunity to more clearly localize pathogenic processes, leading to better disease models and new potential treatments...
Her laboratory has focused on translational research, neurobiology of therapeutic and addictive substances, brain imaging, and medications development....
MacArthur award winner L. Mahadevan at Harvard University
The Mahadevan group uses experiments, theory and computation to study motion and matter at the human scale, where phenomena are robust and easy to observe, yet not always easy to explain....
Pamela Mahon
Our research is aimed at understanding the causes, course of illness and outcomes of mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder and depression....
Joseph Majzoub
Our lab focuses on the neuroendocrinology of stress. ...
Dara Manoach
Although cognitive deficits are highly disabling, we do not understand their neural bases, and, consequently, we lack effective treatments. Our lab focuses on understanding the role of abnormal sleep physiology...
Sean Megason
The Megason Lab uses imaging-based systems biology to elucidate the systems level principles of animal development....
photo of michael miller
We are interested in the fundamental mechanisms of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. ...
photo of jeff moffitt
We are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms that mediate both the interactions between microbiota and the host as well as between the many different bacterial species that make up the remarkably complex community in the gut....
We are interested in understanding the neural and algorithmic basis of odor-guided behaviors in terrestrial animals....
Photo of Victor Navarro
Our lab is also interested in how the neurons that control reproductive function can also regulate critical bodily functions beyond reproduction....
Charles Nelson
My overarching interests lie in the genetic and experiential factors that can undermine healthy brain development in infants and young children....
Andrew Nierenberg in his lab
Dr. Nierenberg leads the MGH Dauten Family Center for Bipolar Treatment Innovation, a center dedicated to finding innovative new treatments, providing high quality clinical care, and educating the community about Bipolar Disorder....
What happens in our brains as we learn to walk, swim or talk? How are the underlying learning algorithms implemented, and how are the honed skills encoded and generated by the nervous system? ...
Photo of Dost Ongur
Dr. Öngür’s group is working to understand brain abnormalities in people with psychotic disorders and to develop new treatment approaches to correct these abnormalities....
lauren orefice headshot
We seek to understand how sensory input, beginning with peripheral sensory neurons, regulates brain development and influences perception as well as complex cognitive and social behaviors....
photo of emily osterweil
Neurons use mRNA translation to communicate, allowing previous experience to direct future action. We are investigating how this happens using cell type-specific translation profiling in both mouse brain and in human brain slices....
portrait of yangming ou
The Ou lab tudies normal and abnormal brain development across the lifespan using advanced medical imaging and machine learning....
Nanometer-sized materials represent a natural size limit of the miniaturization trend of current technology, and they exhibit physical and chemical properties significantly different from their bulk counterparts....
Cengiz Pehlevan
We want to understand the brain as a computing machine by uncovering its algorithms and their implementation at the network and cellular levels....
Dr. Petryshen's research focuses on the genetic basis of major psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression....
Hanspeter Pfister
The Visual Computing Group, led by Prof. Pfister, explores and provides visual analysis tools and methods to help scientists and researchers better process and understand large, multi-dimensional data sets....
photo of liz phelps
The primary inspiration behind our research is the observation that emotions color our lives, and even subtle, everyday variations in our emotional experience can alter our thoughts and actions. ...
Naomi Pierce Headshot
We study the ecology and evolution of species interactions, and how parasitic and mutualistic life histories can influence the evolutionary trajectories of each partner....
The Poduri Laboratory and Epilepsy Genetics Program comprise a translational research program with a focus on genetic epilepsies from both a human genetics and a functional modeling perspective....
Research in the Polley lab is focused on the connection between neural circuit dynamics in the auditory cortex and the perception of sound....
My lab is focused on discovering the normal cells in the developing brain from which Medulloblastomas arise and the molecular mechanisms giving rise to the cancer, with a goal to develop more effective and less toxic targeted therapies. ...
A main goal in our lab is to understand how the visual brain works in the natural world, when it is presented with rich and complex scenes, such as those we encounter in our daily lives....
francisco quintana headshot
The Quintana Lab combines advanced genomic and proteomic tools with innovative experimental models (e.g. zebrafish and humanized mice) to study the regulation of the immune response in the central nervous system....
Oncolytic herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a novel therapeutic strategy to treat cancer, including in the brain....
photo of kanaka rajan
We are a computational neuroscience lab where we bring together the fields of brain research and artificial intelligence/machine learning to figure out how the brain works....
We want to achieve a quantitative understanding of the underlying signaling and transcriptional circuits that lead to discrete decisions....
The overarching goal of our lab is to determine how cells in the ENS regulate important gut functions, from absorbing nutrients to fighting infections....
Wade Regehr
The lab studies diverse topics ranging from the control of neurotransmitter release to the behavioral roles of the cerebellum....
The Reich laboratory has placed a bet on the idea that by studying the deep human past using genetic data, it will be possible to obtain profound insights into our biology and into who we are....
Portrait of William Renthal against a white background
Chronic pain and headache disorders are two leading causes of disability world-wide. Improving treatments for these conditions is a major focus of my lab as well as my clinical practice as a neurologist....
portrait of Kerry Ressler
The Ressler Lab investigates the molecular, genetic, epigenetic, and neural circuit mechanisms underlying fear processes through an integration of animal models of fear learning and human genetic research....
Dragana Rogulja
The goal of the Rogulja lab is to understand how the brain reversibly switches between waking and sleep states, and why we need to sleep in the first place....
We seek to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying brain injury in order to provide a rational basis for preventing and treating important neurological disorders and diseases....
Alexander Rotenberg
We work to identify biological targets which can stop or prevent seizures if manipulated by either brain stimulation or by novel drugs that we are testing in our lab....
Our laboratory carries out research on neurological disorders, both neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric, with a view towards identifying new types of therapies....
Bernardo Sabatini
In the first few years of life, humans tremendously expand their behavioral repertoire and gain the ability to engage in complex, learned, and reward-driven actions. Similarly, within a few weeks after birth mice can perform sophisticated spatial...
Matthew Sacchet
The objective of the Meditation Research Program is to advance a multidisciplinary scientific understanding of meditation...
photo of amar sahay
Our mission is to investigate of molecular, circuit and network plasticity mechanisms supporting hippocampal dependent memory processing in cognition and to reverse neural circuit aberrations behind neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases....
The Sahin lab’s research is directed at understanding the cellular mechanisms underlying childhood neurogenetic disorders. ...
The Samuel lab studies brain and behavior in the roundworm C. elegans and the Drosophila larva. Applying advances in light and electron microscopy, we are able to map, manipulate, and monitor the neural circuits that link brain and behavior....
Josh Sanes
The Sanes lab studies the assembly and function of neural circuits in the retina. While the retina is about as complex as any other part of the brain, it has several features that facilitate analysis. ...
Our lab studies the circuits that adjust the amount of sleep we get, govern the timing of sleep with respect to the day and night, and cause the disruption of sleep that accompanies stress, sleep apnea, aging, and neurodegenerative disorders....
Thomas Scammell
Our research focuses on understanding the neural circuitry that controls arousal and sleep, and how the function of this circuitry is disrupted in narcolepsy and other sleep disorders....
photo of daniel schacter
Schacter’s research is broadly concerned with understanding the nature and function of human memory, using cognitive, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging approaches...
Photo of Frank Scheer
Week seek to better understand circadian rhythms and circadian alignment using a combination of highly-controlled human experimental study protocols and epidemiologic, genetic, animal and ex vivo models....
Clemens Scherzer
We use next-generation genomics technologies to identify the complete set of building blocks and instructions needed to make healthy human brain cells and to discover which are defective in Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s disease....
The Schier lab wishes to understand how signaling pathways, transcription factors, chromatin modifications and non-coding RNAs regulate the process of gastrulation. ...
The Schwarz lab is focused on the cell biology of the neuron and seeks to understand how nerve cells work and keep their distant parts well-supplied and healthy....
Rosalind Segal
Our research focuses on intercellular communication: how growth factor signaling pathways regulate brain development, and how these pathways contribute to abnormal proliferation, migration and survival...
Dr. Selkoe’s laboratory is interested in applying advanced biological methods to achieve a deeper understanding of the causes and basic mechanisms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases....
Ihn Sik Seong
My laboratory uses biochemical approaches, guided by human genetics, to probe the fundamental mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders....
Our research is based on developing clinically translatable models of both primary and metastatic brain tumors and stem cell based cell surface receptor targeted therapeutics....
Francis Shen
The Shen Lab works at the intersection of law, ethics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Our research identifies and addresses the ethical, legal, and social implications of advances in neurotechnology and AI, along the complex path from lab...
The Shen lab takes advantage of the genetic underpinnings of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s to study the disease mechanisms using mice and fruit flies, genetically tractable models that share functional homologs to the human disease genes....
Photo of David Silbersweig
The Silbersweig team in the Functional Neuroimaging lab focus upon the development and application of new neuroimaging techniques to localize and characterize brain circuitry dysfunction underlying major psychiatric disorders....
Our research focuses on the neural mechanisms of fine motor control during speaking and other complex behavior, such as singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, and how these mechanisms fail in dystonia and other neurological disorders....
David Sinclair
The Sinclair lab is driven by the belief that humanity can do better and that everyone has the right to the best medical care and maximum lifespan, no matter their gender, social status, or age....
Edward Smith
We are engaged in basic science research on primary brain tumors and cerebrovascular disease. Our research is primarily centered on understanding the molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis and angiogenesis in the central nervous system....
jordan smoller
Dr. Smoller and colleagues are working to understand the nature of neuropsychiatric disorders and to develop better methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness...
Leah Somerville outside her office
We hope that by better characterizing adolescent brain development and its effects on psychological functioning relative to other ages, we will get a step closer to using that information in a way that can promote adolescent health and well-being. ...
photo of yuyu song
The focus of my laboratory is on investigating Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia, Huntington’s Disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis...
Dr. Sonntag’s scientific interest is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the aging brain and neurodegenerative disorders....
The Spelke lab focuses on the sources of our uniquely human ability to learn both rapidly and flexibly, in domains ranging from formal mathematics, to map-guided navigation to common sense reasoning about objects, people, and social groups....
photo of shriya srinivasan
We are working to understand the interplay of the sensorimotor components underlying neuromuscular pathology to holistically design devices that will mechanistically incorporate with the body and augment end organ sensorimotor deficits....
The Steen lab is working on novel methods for identifying and quantifying various protein modifications that are involved in pediatric diseases in order to provide new insights into the underlying biological processes...
The Steen laboratory works to understand neuro-regeneration and neurodegeneration using systems biology approaches....
The Stevens lab seeks to understand how neuron-glia communication facilitates the formation, elimination and plasticity of synapses—the points of communication between neurons—during both healthy development and disease....
Robert Stickgold
The Stickgold lab’s current work examines the nature and function of sleep and dreams from a cognitive neuroscience perspective, with an emphasis on the role of sleep and dreams in memory consolidation and integration....
Gary Strichartz
My interest for the past 20 years has focused on chronic pain, why it happens (to some and not others, after the same apparent trauma or procedure, or disease) and how to prevent or reverse it. ...
Anne Takesian in her lab
Our research aims to illuminate how early experience establishes the circuit foundation that dictates adult perception...
photo of xin tang
The Tang lab’s research is directed at understanding the molecular, cellular, and neural-network basis of human brain diseases to ultimately develop precision medicine therapeutics. ...
My research is primarily aimed at a better understanding the etiology and pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)....
Yanmei Tie
The Tie lab focuses on improving presurgical brain mapping by developing and applying advanced image processing approaches for analyzing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion MRI data. ...
photo of john torous
Our team uses digital technologies like smartphones and wearable sensors to capture the lived experiences of those with mental illness across numerous domains ranging from cognition to sleep, mood to screen time, step count to circadian rhythms....
Our laboratory is interested in neuronal processes by which sensory information and memory about previous experiences guide behavior of the animal...
photo of Tomer Ullman
My lab studies people’s ability to reason about the everyday behavior of persons and things....
The Umemori lab is interested in the molecules and mechanisms by which specific and functional synaptic connections are established in the brain....
photo of leslie valiant
The potential of computing devices may be currently far from being fully realized, while fundamental quantitative questions in neuroscience and evolution remain unanswered....
Our research goal is to discover fundamental and conserved mechanisms that guide the formation and maintenance of neural circuits....
Anju Vasudevan
The Angiogenesis and Brain Development Laboratory, established in 2011, investigates the key events of brain development and the ways those can go wrong, with the long-term goal of ensuring early brain development remains on track....
photo of humsa venkatesh
The Venkatesh lab studies the reciprocal interactions between the nervous system and cancer....
vitaly napadow
The Napadow laboratory has pioneered the application of non-invasive neuroimaging techniques to better understand the brain circuitry underlying aversive perceptual states....
Brian Wainger
Our lab fuses electrophysiology and stem cell biology in order to explore how abnormal physiology contributes to diseases of the motor and sensory nervous systems....
The primary interest in our lab is the genetic disorder neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Affecting one in 3,000–4,000 people, NF1 is a chronic multi-system disease with neurological (behavioral, cognitive, tumors) and non-neurological symptoms....
Christopher Walsh
Our lab is interested in identifying mutations mechanisms that regulate the normal development and function of the human cerebral cortex....
Christian Webb
The overarching goal of our research is to improve our understanding of the causes of depression in teens and, in particular, improve our treatments for depressed youth....
Charles Weitz
The Weitz lab uses molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, and structural biology to investigate the mammalian circadian clock....
Photo of Amanda Whipple
My lab seeks to discover new mechanisms by which parental genomes influence neuronal function by studying the activities of imprinted non-coding RNAs....
Our lab studies how axolotl salamanders perform an amazing feat that humans cannot: total limb regeneration following amputation....
photo of mary whitman
Our lab aims to understand the developmental mechanisms that are altered in eye movement disorders with the ultimate goal of developing new treatments....
Photo of Alik Widge
We develop new clinical tools for engineering and re-wiring brain circuits, with the goal of treating mental illness....
photo of sabine wilhelm
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the empirically supported treatment of choice for a wide range of mental and behavioral health problems....
My lab is interested in understanding the neural processes that underlie complex human cognitive processes such as language, social behavior and decision making....
Rachel Wilson
The mission of the Wilson lab is to understand key computations that occur in sensory processing and sensorimotor integration, and to describe the biophysical mechanisms underlying these computations....
photo of jeremy wolfe
Our Visual Attention Lab studies how you find what you are looking for and why you sometimes miss that target, even though it is, literally, “right in front of your eyes”....
photo of rachel wolfson
The Wolfson lab uses genetics, electrophysiology, neuroanatomy, and biochemistry to identify the neurons that mediate internal organ sensation and study how those neurons respond to the diversity of stimuli to which they are exposed....
photo of clifford woolf
Neurons are subject to functional, chemical and structural plasticity. This plasticity is an important factor both in the normal function of the nervous system and in a vast range of neurological diseases....
The overall goal of the Yankner lab is to achieve a greater understanding of the molecular basis of brain aging and how normal aging transitions to neurodegenerative disorders....
photo of gary yellen
Our research is focused on understanding neuronal metabolism and how it is influenced by – and influences – neuronal activity and excitability. ...
photo of tracy young-pearse
Our research focuses on the identification of the mechanistic causes of neurodegenerative and developmental disorders of the nervous system, with the ultimate goal of identifying novel targets for therapeutic interventions for these diseases. ...
photo of timothy yu
My research group focuses on advancing translational genomic medicine to better understand and treat neurodevelopmental and neurogenetic disorders. ...
Cagri Yuksel
My lab studies how sleep related brain oscillations and associated cognitive functions in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders are affected by alterations in sleep-dependent memory processing and the associated neurobiology....
yun zhang in her office
Our goal is to achieve a holistic understanding of learning by addressing all levels of the underlying neural network from sensory perception to motor execution. ...
Xiao Zhen Zhou
The primary interest of our laboratory is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of signal transduction and telomerase regulation and to determine their roles in the development and treatment of cancer and Alzheimer's disease....
Xiaowei Zhuang
Understanding the mechanisms of cellular function and their dysfunction in disease requires a detailed picture of the molecular interactions in cells....
photo of ted zwang
Our goal is to determine which features of Alzheimer’s disease cause neurodegeneration, understand the trajectory of changes that arise as a result, and separate causal from coincidental features....