HBI Congratulates Susan Dymecki, Wade Harper, Naomi E. Pierce, and Christopher A. Walsh on being elected as 2018 Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences!
Susan Dymecki, PhD
Biological Sciences – Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences, and Behavioral Biology
The Dymecki Lab explores the differentiation of embryonic cells into neurons in mammals using a combination of genetic, embryological, and molecular biological methods
Wade Harper, PhD
Biological Sciences – Intersectional Candidate
The Harper laboratory uses quantitative methods to elucidate the network architecture and molecular mechanisms underlying the ubiquitin and autophagy protein homeostasis systems.
Naomi E. Pierce, PhD
Biological Sciences – Evolutionary and Population Biology, and Ecology
Research in the Pierce Lab examines the behavioral ecology of species interactions, including insect–plant associations, symbioses between ants and other organisms, and endosymbioses between ants and their bacterial associates. She focuses in particular on the evolution of mutualism, using field, laboratory and theoretical approaches.
Christopher A. Walsh, MD, PhD
Biological Sciences – Medical Sciences, Clinical Medicine, and Public Health
The Walsh Lab studies the foundational mechanisms that direct human brain development. More specifically, his lab focuses on the development, function and evolution of the human cerebral cortex—the area of the brain responsible for high-level cognitive functions, including reasoning, thought, perception and language.
News Types: Awards & Honors