Sleep and Our Mental Health

We’re all familiar with the classic saying “a good night’s sleep,” but what, in fact, are the repercussions on our bodies when we don’t experience healthy sleeping patterns? How does sleep — or lack of —affect the health of our brains and wellness of our bodies?

Join us, in collaboration with the Museum of Science, to hear about cutting-edge research connecting our sleep to depression, and the impacts of sleep deprivation on our overall health and wellness as we welcome researchers from Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital for an evening of conversation on the power of sleep.

In collaboration with the Museum of Science and HBI
This program is free, thanks to the generosity of the Lowell Institute.

Featuring Michael Murphy (McLean/HMS/Broad Institute) and Alen Juginović (HMS)

Click here for more information.

Event Types:  Seminars, Special Events