HBI 101 Talk – Sex Differences in the Brain: Importance for Science, Medicine, and Therapeutic Development

Professor of Psychiatry & Medicine, Harvard Medical School;
Helen T. Moerschner Endowed MGH Research Institute Chair in Women’s Health, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital;
Founder & Executive Director, Innovation Center on Sex Differences in Medicine at Mass. General Hospital (ICON-✘);
Sex differences in the brain are pervasive, initiated in fetal development, and impacted across the lifespan. We know there are substantial sex differences in major disorders of the brain that are also highly comorbid with general medicine, but we are only beginning to understand the etiology of the sex effects. This lecture will provide evidence to argue for the importance of understanding this neurobiology, and as an example, its impact on understanding the comorbidity of disorders of the brain and heart and development of more efficacious sex-selective treatments.Free and open to the public. Coffee and snacks will be served. We encourage all those who are able to join us in-person! However, if you can’t attend in person, a Zoom link will be provided upon registration. A small group lunch with the speaker will follow this event. This lunch will be open to Harvard students and fellows. Please indicate on the registration form if you would like request a spot.