Journeys in Neuro

Journeys in Neuro is a summer series exploring career and training trajectories at different stages in academia. Each event features lightning talks from a graduate student, postdoc, professor and staff member sharing how they got to their current position and what it looks like on a day to day basis—followed by an extended Q&A session.

The series is open to all in the Harvard community but geared in particular towards high school or undergraduate researchers, post-bac scholars and early stage research assistants.

photo of ted ZwangTheodore Zwang
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
How Do Aging Neural Systems Fail?



photo of zuri sullivan Zuri Sullivan
HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellow,
Lab of Catherine Dulac;
Harvard University
How Infections Make Us Sick



photo of zachary murphyZachary Murphy
Graduate Student, Lab of Tracy Young-Pearse,
Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
My Journey from Research Technician to Grad School

Event Types:  Seminars