Journeys In Neuro

Journeys in Neuro is a summer series exploring career and training trajectories at different stages in academia. Each event features lightning talks from a graduate student, postdoc, professor and staff member sharing how they got to their current position and what it looks like on a day to day basis—followed by an extended Q&A session.

The series is open to all in the Harvard community but geared in particular towards high school or undergraduate researchers, post-bac scholars and early stage research assistants.

photo of tony cunninghamTony Cunningham
Director of the Center for Sleep and Cognition and Member of the Faculty, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/HMS
From Recreation Director to Lab Director



photo of fernanda medeiros continFernanda Medeiros Contini
Research Assistant & Postbac Scholar, Wilson Lab, Harvard Medical School
Navigating Life: From Medicine to Brain Circuits



photo of Ana Rita Agra de Almeida QuadrosAna Rita Agra de Almeida Quadros
Postdoctoral Fellow, Lagier-Tourenne Lab, Mass General Hospital/HMS
Brain, It’s a Kind of Magic



photo of Ricardo LopezRicardo Lopez
Graduate Student, Kaeser Lab, Harvard Medical School
The Molecular Machinery Underlying Neuromodulatory Secretion



Event Types:  Seminars