Free and open to the public. Light lunch provided. Registration Requested.
Keynotes by:

University of Pittsburgh
Vikaas Sohal, MD, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry,
University of California, San Francisco
Short Talks by Awardees of the HBI Bipolar Grants Program:
Justin Baker, MD, PhD
McLean Hospital & Harvard Medical School
One Hundred Person-Years of Intensive Longitudinal Assessment in Severe Mental Illness
Bilal Bari, MD, PhD
Harvard University, Lab of Sam Gershman
Understanding Cognitive Deficits in Bipolar Disorder: Insights From a Novel Theory of Cognitive Resource Limitations
Kate Burdick, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Emerging Biomarkers of Neurocognitive Heterogeneity in Bipolar Disorder
Rachelle Gaudet, PhD
Harvard University
Deciphering the Bar Code Provided by Clustered Protocadherins at the Neuronal Cell Surface
Boston Children’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Circadian Resilience in Cells and Synapses
Philippe Morquette, PhD
Boston Children’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Lab of Mike Do
Sensing Light for Circadian Regulation
Leah Somerville, PhD
Harvard University
Codevelopment of Higher Order Cognition and Indices of Cortical Myelin in Human Adolescence: Setting Normative Benchmarks for Translation
Nao Uchida, PhD
Harvard University
The Origin of Biased Optimism