Addiction 101

photo of kathryn mchughR. Kathryn McHugh, PhD
Chief of Psychology, McLean Hospital;
Director, Stress, Anxiety, and Substance Use Laboratory, McLean Hospital;
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School


This presentation will provide an overview of the continuum of substance use from initiation through addiction. Attendees will learn about the current status of substance use disorder treatment and critical areas for future study.

Free and open to the public. Coffee and snacks will be served. We encourage all those who are able to join us in-person! However, if you can’t attend in person, a Zoom link will be provided upon registration.

A small group lunch with the speaker will follow this event. This lunch will be open to Harvard students, fellows, and research assistants..  Please indicate on the registration form if you are interested in attending.

Questions? Email us at

Event Types:  Seminars, 101 Talk