Neuro Topics - Optogenetics
July 3, 2024
In a new study, researchers asked whether an artificial agent could improve behavior in an animal, by learning to control a living nervous system. Using optogenetics to allow the RL agent to control C. elegans worm neurons, they were able to help the worms find food better. The team also gained clues as to how different parts of the C. elegans nervous system were involved in generating directed movement.
Original article in: Nature Machine Intelligence >
April 23, 2021
Harvard Gazette article on new research from the lab of Christina Woo, first author Yun Ge, on the development of a new highly-selective tool to study proteins through the sugars they depend on.
Original article in: Nature Chemical Biology >
January 5, 2021
Kameron Clayton shares new research from the lab of Daniel Polley. Using a combination of physiological and anatomical tools to access specific types of cortical neurons, they demonstrate that descending projection neurons in mouse auditory cortex are active prior to movements that are expected to generate sound.
Original article in: Current Biology >
July 1, 2020
A conversation with Lisa Goodrich, professor of neurobiology at HMS, in Harvard Medicine Magazine.
Original article in: Current Biology >
July 1, 2020
Harvard Gazette article on new research from the labs of Paola Arlotta, Leonard Zon and Jeff Lichtman, first author James Harris, exploring how precise control over neuron growth might pave the way for repairing nervous system injuries.
Original article in: Developmental Cell >
February 7, 2020
Harvard Gazette article on new research from the labs of Adam Cohen, Anne Takesian, and colleagues, first author Linlin Fan, on the development of new technology that can help dissect how the brain ignores or acts on information.
Original article in: Cell >