Neuro Topics - Bias
December 19, 2019
Are you an artist in your spare time? Do you draw, paint, sculpt or make crafts? HBI will collaborate with the Longwood Chorus on an Art & Music event in 2020! The program will feature singing, visual arts and short talks.
December 19, 2019
The Daniel D. Federman Staff Award was established in 2014 to recognize staff for exceptional institutional engagement and service in supporting the missions of Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
December 19, 2019
The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a globally competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers from all scholarly disciplines working on child and youth development.
December 19, 2019
HMS News article on new research from the labs of Joseph DeGutis and colleagues, first author Maruti V. Mishra, suggesting a country’s degree of gender equality can affect men’s ability to recognize famous female faces.
Original article in: Scientific Reports >
December 16, 2019
Congratulations to Isle Bastille (Goodrich lab), Jaeeon Lee (Sabatini lab), Isabel D’Alessandro (Wilson lab), Jess Bell and Mary Whitman (Engle Lab), Ellen DeGennaro (Walsh lab), and Joseph Zak (Murthy lab).
Original article in: Scientific Reports >