Neuro Topics - Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
September 25, 2024
New research from From Michael D. Fox and colleagues, first author Shan H. Siddiqi, suggests that using neurostimulation therapies on a specific brain network could treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans. By evaluating 193 participants in the Vietnam Head Injury Study with penetrating traumatic brain injury, the team found those with damage connected to their amygdala, the fear center of the brain, were less likely to develop PTSD.
Original article in: Nature Neuroscience >
April 22, 2024
A new study led by Mass. General Hospital researchers shows how a generative artificial intelligence (AI) model that can analyze the narrative accounts of women who have undergone recent childbirth can accurately screen for post-traumatic stress disorder (CB-PTSD).
Original article in: Scientific Reports >
July 13, 2021
Jakob Hartmann and Kerry Ressler share new research dissecting the interplay between key proteins involved in regulating the body’s stress response. Their work provides novel insight into mechanisms of stress homeostasis and points to potential therapeutic targets when this response goes awry.
Original article in: Cell Reports >
April 9, 2019
HMS News article on a new study from the lab of Joseph DeGutis (first author Elizabeth Riley) shedding light on associations between psychological distress symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in returning combat veterans.
Original article in: Neuropsychology >