Neuro Topics - Organoids
September 25, 2024
New research from From Lee Rubin and colleagues, first author Feodor D. Price has pioneered a groundbreaking method for generating large numbers of adult skeletal-muscle satellite cells, or "muscle stem cells", in vitro. This development could help speed up our understanding and treatment of a range of skeletal muscular disorders, including muscular dystrophy (MD) and (ALS).
Original article in: Nature Biotechnology >
February 24, 2023
Harvard MCB Department news article on new research from Sharad Ramanathan and colleagues, first author Giri Anand. They cultivated stem cells to mirror the process of axial elongation in the developing embryo allowing them to see how the neural tube develops into the spinal cord.
Original article in: Cell >
January 25, 2023
HMS News article on new research from Olivier Pourquié and colleagues, first author Yuchuan Miao, on the creation of organoids that mimic early spine development in humans. These organoids include a ticking “segmentation clock” like those they previously identified in the embryos of several species and replicated in human stem cells.
Original article in: Nature >
March 8, 2022
HMS News article on a new report on depression commissioned by the Lancet and World Psychiatric Association. The report included recommendations for how health care practitioners, policymakers, community members, and people with depression can work together to build sustainable solutions in response to the ongoing mental health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Original article in: Nature >
March 8, 2022
Erin Hecht answers this question as part of Harvard Gazette's Wondering, a new series of random questions answered by Harvard experts.
Original article in: Nature >
March 8, 2022
Bruna Paulsen shares new research from the labs of Paola Arlotta and colleagues, using organoid models of the human cerebral cortex to uncover cell-type-specific neurodevelopmental abnormalities that are shared across three different ASD risk genes.
Original article in: Nature >
July 1, 2020
A conversation with Lisa Goodrich, professor of neurobiology at HMS, in Harvard Medicine Magazine.
Original article in: Nature >
July 1, 2020
Harvard Gazette article on new research from the labs of Paola Arlotta, Leonard Zon and Jeff Lichtman, first author James Harris, exploring how precise control over neuron growth might pave the way for repairing nervous system injuries.
Original article in: Developmental Cell >
June 17, 2019
Harvard Gazette Q+A with Anne Harrington about her new book documenting the rise of biological psychiatry.
Original article in: Developmental Cell >
June 5, 2019
Harvard Gazette article highlighting Paola Arlotta's lab's research into reproducible, miniature 3D models of human brain tissue and describing how these models open new frontiers in neuroscience.
Original article in: Nature >
January 29, 2019
New cell model of most common form of Alzheimer’s points to molecular causes, drug target.
Original article in: Cell Reports >