Harvard Neuroscientists Win Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Grant to Map Eye Cells

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) recently selected 38 collaborative science teams to launch CZI’s Seed Networks for a Human Cell Atlas projects. The award recipients, coming from diverse disciplines, will map cells across the human body–in a variety of healthy human tissues, including the heart, eye, liver and CNS. A number of Harvard researchers are part of these teams. In particular, a neuroscience project based largely at Harvard is “Cell Atlas of the Human Eye from Birth to Old Age.” The investigators include HBI co-director Joshua Sanes of Harvard University, Tomasso Blancalani of the Broad Institute, Dejan Juric, Ayellet Segre, and Tavé van Zyl of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, and Gregory Hageman of the University of Utah.

Learn more and about this project and other funded teams by visiting the CZI newsroom.
See also: “MCB Professor Wins Grant to Map the Eye” on the Harvard Molecular and Cellular Biology website.  




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