Congratulations to the following HMS faculty on being honored by the American Academy of Neurology at their annual meeting in April.
Michael Ronthal, HMS professor of neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award
William Renthal, instructor in neurobiology at HMS
Harold Wolff-John Graham Award: An Award for Headache/Facial Pain Research
Aaron Berkowitz, HMS assistant professor of neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Mridha Spirit of Neurology Humanitarian Award
Scott Plotkin, HMS professor of neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital
Neuro-Oncology Scientific Award
Lily Grossman, HMS fellow in neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital
Safety and Quality Award
Matthew Bevers, HMS instructor in neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Clinical Research Training Scholarship
Archana Patel, HMS instructor in neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital
Practice Research Training Scholarship
Katharine Nicholson, HMS instructor in neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital
Clinical Research Training Scholarship in Muscular Dystrophy
News Types: Awards & Honors