Journeys in Neuro

Journeys in Neuro is a summer series exploring career and training trajectories at different stages in academia. Each event features lightning talks from a graduate student, postdoc, professor and staff member sharing how they got to their current position and what it looks like on a day to day basis—followed by an extended Q&A session.

The series is open to all in the Harvard community but geared in particular towards high school or undergraduate researchers, post-bac scholars and early stage research assistants.

saranna fanningSaranna Fanning
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
The Journey to a Lipid Lab



photo of joy otten Joy Otten
Postdoctoral Fellow, Lab of Torsten Klengel,
McLean Hospital
Where Perseverance Leads, the Path Will Follow



photo of katelyn comeau boulangerKatelyn C. Boulanger
Graduate Student, Lab of Lisa Goodrich,
Harvard Medical School
Neuroimmune Interactions in the Inner Ear



photo of alexandra lorenzoAlejandra Lorenzo
Research Assistant, Lab of David Simon,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Bridging Brain Perspectives

Event Types:  Seminars