HBI Connectome

Suhas Vijayakumar
Postdoctoral Fellow / Evolutionary Neuroscience Lab
I’m studying individual variation in brain structures and connections that enable some chimpanzees to use tools. Broadly, my interests lie in understanding how animals (including humans) learn to use tools, acquire new skills, and how that changes their brain. Currently, I work for Dr. Erin Hecht over at the department of Human Evolutionary Biology on Cambridge campus.
I grew up Mysore, a city in southern India. Studied bachelor’s in physics, maths, and electronics in Bangalore, India. Then moved to the Netherlands to pursue a research master’s degree and a PhD from the Donders Institute (Radboud University, Nijmegen). I enjoy scicomm, badminton, and music outside of work.
Peabody Museum (5th Floor), 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge
Harvard Cambridge Campus