HBI Connectome

I’m a Ph.D. candidate in Neuroscience in the lab of Dr. Carlos Ponce, where we use cutting-edge machine learning and electrophysiology to elucidate the neural code for vision in the primate cortex. Where our lab has traditionally studied neurons along the ventral visual stream, my research seeks to characterize task-independent visual responses from neurons in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
I began my graduate education at Washington University School of Medicine in 2018, where I joined Dr. Carlos Ponce’s newly established lab as his first graduate student. Following our lab’s recruitment to HMS, I’m now finishing my graduate training as a Visiting Doctoral Student in Neurobiology and a GSAS Visiting Fellow. I received my B.S. in Psychology from Florida State University, where I fell in love with neuroscience, electrophysiology, and computational modeling. Outside of lab, I spend my free time knitting, making homemade jam and bread, mentoring young women in STEM, and hiking with my dog, Rusty.