HBI Connectome

I am a clinical neuroscientist working at the intersection of eating behaviors, hormones, and brain. Work in my lab focuses on the interaction between energy balance, mood, and reward using multimodal neuroimaging and neuroendocrine assessment in eating disorders and obesity. Our studies have revealed novel insights into the acute and chronic effects of energy deficit and surfeit on hormones, metabolic fuels, and brain activity in regions associated with energy balance and reward, and partial restoration of abnormal brain activity following weight restoration and loss. In addition to work on energy balance and eating disorders, we collaborate on the investigation of HPA-axis modulation of stress response circuitry in major depressive disorder in adults, including studies on cortisol response, autonomic nervous system functioning, and negative affective circuitry activity. Our current work also involves the integration of neuromodulation and neuroimaging approaches to validate novel circuits associated with appetite and satiation.