HBI Connectome

Jill Jones
Graduate Student / Maria Lehtinen, Dept of Pathology, Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program
Hi! I am a third-year student in the Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program and currently a G1 in PiN. I joined Maria Lehtinen’s lab and am really interested in all things neurodevelopment, with a particular focus on pediatric brain cancers. Before moving to Boston, I studied Neuroscience, Linguistics, and German at Duke University (go Duke!), and then took a gap year at WashU doing research on sex differences in glioblastoma. Outside of science/medicine, I love playing music, reading, and spending time with loved ones—and you can typically find me in Cambridge chaperoning my dog Josie on her playdates!
Enders Building (12th floor)
Boston Children’s Hospital