HBI Connectome

I’m the Executive Director of the BWH Program for Interdisciplinary Neuroscience and the Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases. I oversee the Neurotechnology Studio, a core facility that’s open to both internal and external users, and various other internal and outward-facing programs across the neurosciences.
I’m originally from the UK, and after a PhD in London and postdocs at Harvard and MIT, I joined Nature, where I was the founding editor of Nature Neuroscience, back in 1998. Before moving to the Brigham, I worked for ~10 years as a program director at MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research. I don’t run a lab of my own, but I’m interested in all areas of neuro, basic and translational.
Outside of work, I like to hike and climb mountains, and also to run – after ten attempts and a pandemic delay, I finally qualified for the Boston Marathon, which I ran in 2021 and hope to do again. I’m also a classical music fan, so will take Ludwig van B over Cardi B, Heinrich Biber over Justin Bieber, etc.