HBI Connectome

Amy Shepherd
Postdoctoral Fellow / Lab of Meenakshi Rao, F.M Kirby Neurobiology Center
I’m Amy Shepherd, and I am a postdoc in Meena Rao’s lab at BCH. I’m originally from New Zealand, and I did my PhD at the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in the University of Melbourne in Australia, assessing the cognition of Alzheimer’s mouse models using rodent touchscreen technology.
Prior to my PhD I worked in mucosal immunology at the Malaghan Institute in New Zealand, and I’m now interested in neuroimmune interactions in the ENS, with a particular interest in the epithelial barrier. Outside of research, I’m learning to salsa dance (badly), re-learning the guitar (also badly) and communicating science to the public (hopefully not badly!).
Ender's Research Building, EN 650.1
Boston Children’s Hospital