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Gut Bacteria Produce Hormone Involved in Postpartum Depression
New research finds that gas released by some gut bacteria stimulates other gut bacteria to produce a hormone involved in pregnancy and in an FDA-approved treatment for postpartum depression.
A Cortex Divided: How We Perceive Different Somatosensory Stimuli
We know that the cerebral cortex is vital for the perception of our somatosensory environment. Yet much remains mysterious. How do we know when something is too hot and what sets that thermostat? Daniel G. Taub and Clifford J. Woolf explain how a specific region called the secondary somatosensory cortex can alter our somatosensory sensitivity.
What Can Mice Teach Us About Anorexia Nervosa?
A hallmark of anorexia nervosa is the willful seeking and maintenance of a starvation state, potentially as a means to cope with stressful life experiences or trauma. Hakan Kucukdereli and Mark Andermann share their research on how they designed a virtual reality paradigm to study this phenomenon in mice.

Upcoming Events

Journeys in Neuro
August 1, 2024
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Location: Armenise Amphitheater
Featuring Saranna Fanning (Assistant Professor, BWH), Joy Otten (Postdoc, McLean Hospital), Katelyn C. Boulanger (Graduate Student, HMS), and Alejandra Lorenzo (Research Assistant, BIDMC)
gNeuro August 2024 Meeting
August 12, 2024
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Location: Armenise Amphitheater
Featuring talks by Yangyang Zhu (CBDM Lab, Harvard) and Anoohya Muppirala (Rao Lab, Boston Children's Hospital)