Co-Director Cerebrovascular Surgery and Intervention Center, Boston Children's Hospital
The Smith lab is engaged in basic science research on primary brain tumors and cerebrovascular disease. Our research is primarily centered on understanding the molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis and angiogenesis in the central nervous system. This work has included basic science and translational studies investigating adult and pediatric brain tumors, moyamoya disease and cerebral vascular malformations. This research has implicated a class of extracellular matrix proteins, called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), in the advent and progression of several disease states of the central nervous system, including brain tumors, moyamoya and vascular malformations.
Another major research interest, done in conjunction with the lab of Marsha Moses, PhD, director of the Vascular Biology Program, is the study of pediatric cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). A number of projects have been generously supported by the Lucas Warner AVM research fund, resulting in exciting discoveries relevant to the diagnosis, understanding and treatment of these challenging lesions. Our research has been supported by funding from several other sources, including the National Institutes of Health, and is carried out in collaboration with a number of investigators in associated fields, particularly Moses.