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Diversity and Inclusion Resources

The mission of HBI is to promote interdisciplinary and cross-campus interactions amongst neuroscientists in the University and its affiliated hospitals—enhancing research, enriching education, engaging the public in brain science, and together expanding its power for the betterment of human health and society. Throughout all that we do, we aspire to build and nurture a scientific community that is diverse, inclusive, and welcoming.

Below is some information on University offices, organizations and educational efforts that support our vision for diversity and inclusivity, as well as outside resources that community members can use to ensure diversity in speaker invitations for seminars, symposia and other scientific events. Please feel free to write to us at info@dev-harvard-brain-science-initiative.pantheonsite.io//hbi if you have other resources or ideas to share.

Named after the corresponding “Theme J: History, Education, and Society” theme from the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting, Theme J is an educational feature run by the Harvard Medical School Neurobiology Department, showcasing research, initiatives, people, and other resources that can benefit our community’s efforts to educate and train the next generation of neuroscientists in an environment that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. It is managed by Taralyn Tan, Director of Educational Programming for the Neurobiology Department and the Harvard Graduate Program in Neuroscience.


Harvard University Offices

Harvard Office for Diversity Inclusion and Belonging
Works with stakeholders and partners across the University to guide Harvard’s culture toward sustainable inclusive excellence.

Harvard College Office of Diversity Education and Support
Aims to cultivate a more inclusive Harvard College community, and enhance the personal growth of students by providing specialized training, consultation, and facilitated dialogue, and programming on issues related to identity, inclusion, and belonging. 

Harvard Medical School Office for Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Partnership
Seeks to advance diversity inclusion in health, biomedical, behavioral, and STEM fields that builds individual and institutional capacity to achieve excellence, foster innovation, and ensure equity in health locally, nationally, and globally.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) Office of Diversity and Minority Affairs
Aims to create an inclusive environment where all students can thrive and grow academically and personally.

Harvard University Office of Disability Resources
Serves as a central resource on disability-related information, procedures and services for the University community and provides expertise in the development, implementation, and acquisition of standard disability-related University practices, procedures and resources.

Please note, this list is by no means exhaustive. Additional school and unit-specific offices and resources across the University are listed on the Harvard Diversity Inclusion and Belonging website, as well as across various program and department webpages.

Harvard Student & Community Organizations

Underrepresented Scholars in Neuroscience
An organization led by students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS), aimed at creating and maintaining a supportive network for all neuroscience scholars in the Harvard community from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds, as well as their allies.

Women in Neuroscience
A group launched by the Harvard Medical School Neurobiology Department, aiming to increase awareness about issues related to gender balance, and equity in science. 

Harvard Graduate Women in Science and Engineering
A graduate student organization dedicated to the personal, academic, and professional development of women in natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering at Harvard University. 

GSAS Minority Biomedical Scientists of Harvard
A graduate student group that aims to improve the experience of GSAS scientists from underrepresented backgrounds through community building and career development.

W.E.B. Du Bois Graduate Society of GSAS
Works to create inclusive educational environment for historically underrepresented minorities in GSAS. Has acted as an umbrella organization to serve the needs of African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native American graduate students.

Harvard Black Graduate Student Alliance
Seeks to foster a greater sense of unity among the various Black communities across all twelve of the Harvard University Graduate schools.

Harvard GSAS Latinx Student Association
An intersectional organization committed to building community and providing intellectual and social support among GSAS students currently enrolled at Harvard University.

Harvard LGBTQ@GSAS Association
Provides a community and safe space for GSAS students who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer graduate students or self-identify as an LGBTQ ally.

Please note, this is just a small sampling of the numerous student and community organizations committed to diversity and inclusion at Harvard. A searchable list of student organizations of interest is available on the undergraduate organizations website and the graduate student GSAS Engage website.  

Additional school and unit-specific resources across the University are listed on the Harvard Diversity Inclusion and Belonging website. Individual departments, programs and initiatives also maintain listings of their own.

Resources for Better Event Planning

Society for Neuroscience Diverse Speakers
List of websites available to identify neuroscience speakers from diverse backgrounds.

100 Inspiring Black Scientists in America
On the Cell Mentor website.

Black in Neuro
Searchable profiles of scientists, engineers, and educators.

Black Psychology & Neuroscience PIs
A community Google Doc.

National Hispanic Science Network
Features extensive member directory.

500 Queer Scientists
Searchable listing of queer scientists across many scientific disciplines and locations.

500 Women Scientists
A resource for journalists, educators, policy makers, scientists, and anyone needing scientific expertise.

Highlighting female systems neuroscientists.

Women in Brain Stim
Directory of female scientists working in brain stimulation.

Women in Machine Learning
Directory of female scientists working in machine learning.

Folks in GCB
A self-nomination list for individuals from groups that are underrepresented in genomics, computational biology, and bioinformatics.


Striatum header image courtesy of David Brann and the lab of Bob Datta at HMS.