Ole Isacson, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Director, Neuroregeneration Research Institute, McLean Hospital
Neuroprotection and Neuronal Repair in Neurodegenerative Disease

This lab and institute focuses on the neurobiological mechanisms of neuronal regeneration, protection or degeneration with particular emphasis on neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s and ALS. The understanding of regeneration and plasticity of the mammalian nervous system has developed greatly over the last decade, following basic research using implantation of fetal, cultured or induced pluripotent stem cell derived neurons into the adult brain. While the adult brain was previously thought of as a non-regenerative system for pathway formation, recent studies show how new neurons implanted in the adult central nervous system can grow to connect neuronal pathways and gradually integrate in a molecular and physiological fashion. Thus, anatomical, neurochemical, molecular and behavioral parameters indicate that reconstructive events can take place in the degenerated adult or aged brain. In addition, cell biological insights and new cell culture models using patient derived stem cells bring needed information to define biomarkers and treatment possibilities for many neurological diseases.