Neuro Topics - Spinal cord
February 24, 2023
Harvard MCB Department news article on new research from Sharad Ramanathan and colleagues, first author Giri Anand. They cultivated stem cells to mirror the process of axial elongation in the developing embryo allowing them to see how the neural tube develops into the spinal cord.
Original article in: Cell >
January 25, 2023
HMS News article on new research from Olivier Pourquié and colleagues, first author Yuchuan Miao, on the creation of organoids that mimic early spine development in humans. These organoids include a ticking “segmentation clock” like those they previously identified in the embryos of several species and replicated in human stem cells.
Original article in: Nature >
December 8, 2022
HMS News article on two new research papers from David Ginty, Chris Harvey, and colleagues, first authors Josef Turecek, Anda Chirila, and Genelle Rankin, suggesting the spinal cord and brainstem are essential for processing touch signals as they travel to the brain.
Original article in: Cell >
November 28, 2022
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI Community
Original article in: Cell >
September 14, 2021
Harvard Gazette Q+A with Michael Pollan on his new book investigating how opium, caffeine, and mescaline affect the mind.
Original article in: Cell >
September 14, 2021
Boston Children's Hospital Answers article on new research from the labs of Basil Darras and colleagues showing that the oral drug Risdiplam improves motor function in infants, including the ability to sit unassisted for a period of time. They were also more likely than the controls to achieve motor milestones and lived longer than would be expected.
May 5, 2021
Miao He, Jessica Page and Zhigang He share a new study achieving precise targeting of intra-spinal propriospinal networks with targeted non-invasive AAV vector labeling. Selectively modulating specific populations of propriospinal neurons in injured and paralyzed mice resolved their contributions to key locomotor behaviors-- demonstrating the potential of this strategy for functional restoration following spinal cord injury.
Original article in: Nature Communications >
May 4, 2021
Round up of awards and honors earned by the HBI community.
Original article in: Nature Communications >
November 30, 2020
BCH Discoveries article on new research from the lab of Zhigang He, joint first authors Yi Li, Xuelian He, and Riki Kawaguchi. They studied recovery from spinal cord injury in neonatal mice and found that microglia cells play a crucial role in the healing process.
Original article in: Nature >
July 1, 2020
HMS News article on a new study from the labs of Matthew Harris and colleagues at Duke University Medical Center and the University of Kansas, bolstering confidence that fish can provide useful models of human spine biology and disorders.
Original article in: Current Biology >
July 23, 2018
New study from the lab of Zhigang He at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, on a compound that gets mice with spinal cord injury to recover their stepping ability
Original article in: Cell >